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Legends of Tamriel


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"Very well my lord. I shall see you in a moment." Selene said, she gave a look to Sara, seeing the girl was struggling to hold together how hurt she was, but Selene was not going to dig her claws in just yet... she would wait for to wound to start healing, then open it right back up.


She left the room, parchement still under her arms, and made her way down the the torture chamber.

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Cyrus places his hand upon Sara's, and says "Come to my front, and look at me. I have felt you repressing sobs, even though you have tried to hide them." Sara comes around to sit on his lap again, and Cyrus gives the girl a hug. Whether or not he was allowed to love her, he still cared for her in some way, since he had slept with her, and it was because of him that she had been hurt in the way she had. "My dear girl, I won't let her harm you. I cannot love you in the way you would like, dear, but I trust you well enough to give you Markarth to run while I am gone. Send word to the Death Squad 13, will you?" Sara nods, and is about to rush off, when Cyrus kisses her. "Thank you, my dear. I am sorry all this happened to you." Sara smiles weakly, and rushes off. Cyrus jots down a few more notes, and walks down to the torture chamber. "While the other Vaults contain Gold or ordinary legendary artifacts, if you could refer to them as such, the Black Vault contains my battle gear. The Necromancer's Armor. This came from a land over the seas, and it took me years to track all the pieces down. It also contains a ring or two, and my most powerful spell tomes." Waving his hand, a black and red necromantic symbol appears on the wall. Cyrus pulls his silver knife out of his robe, pricks his finger, and presses his finger to the center of the symbol. The wall flashes, and a stone door starts opening. He holds out the still bleeding finger to Selene. "A taste, my dear? I will ask you to turn me eventually, you know."
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Selene smiled, and licked the blood from his finger, seductively, she looked into his eyes and said "I know that Cyrus... but what you want to be... it won't work with this blood... before i became what i am now, i still had pure thoughts, i was still... good, i have never tortured or hurt anyone like that before in my life... this blood, will sap the purity out of you... if you think it is hard to fight the darkness now... try doing it as a Vampire Lord. Just something to consider before i give you my gift. I love you Cyrus, from the bottom of my heart i mean it." She wrapped her arms around Cyrus, and stood on her tiptoes, it was quite hard to do in her heels, but she did not have to go to far, until she could lock her lips with his "Now then, your blood tastes divine... let me lay eyes upon this armour."
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With a grating of stone on stone, the large stone door concealed in the wall splits, and the halves slide into the wall, revealing a doorway. Cyrus strides into the Black Vault, and the braziers light with ordinary flames. Magic fire would not be necessary to show the armor. It was not heavy or even particularely covering. He removes his robes, and starts donning the armor. The Greaves were a metal from the realm of Sheogorath, known as Madness ore, it looked like ebony, but with what looked like souls swirling around in it, and looked slightly crystaline. The chest piece left his midriff bare, and his ample muscles are seen on his torso. The chest bit covers his chest, and has large spiky shoulder plates, with a long black cloak hanging from the back. the helmet is a black skull, covering his hair, and going around his eyes, leaving them, his nose and his mouth and jaw free to chant as needed. The boots are black leather, with ivory spikes in the toes and heels. Last, the bracers, which were a black with an ivory skull design on them. He puts on the rings, and retrieves his sword. "How do I look?"
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"Indeed, my dear. We shall. You begin your trek to Volkihar. I know a few hidden passes that could be of use to you. They are usually filled with bandits, but that is more fun for you, isn't it? You can practise your blood magic on them. First, a run through. My research says, your current powers lie within the guise of the Vampire Lord. Unisex form, so don't get panicky that you don't have.. softer bits while in the form." He caresses one or two of her 'Softer bits' as he says this. Assume the form now."
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Selene smiled, and caressed him as he did her, her hands around his ... area "I can promise you my dear, i still retain every bit of my gender in the vampiric form." She stepped back and begun the transformation, gripping her chest as blood magic consumed her body, and she burst out into the form of a Vampire Lady, only as a pureblood, her wings were larger, fuller, and her breastplate golden. She retained her breasts and genitalia in the form. "Behold my love."
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"So I see, my dear! Now, ordinarily, like now a transformation has you hovering. In this form, your right hand holds your power attack, the left your blood magic. Should you run out of magicka, you can descend to the ground, and fight with your claws." Cyrus turns the page of a small notebook from his robes, and continues. "On the ground you can consume the blood of your enemies to heal yourself, and restore your magicka. Your powers will only get stronger if you kill your foes using your power drain attack. You have the ability to disappear from one place and reappear a short distance away using your bats power. Finally, you can return to your normal form at any time. Try these things out, then revert your form."
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