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Rorik and Parthurnax conversed for what seemed like days, though Rorik knew it could have only been a few short hours. The venerable dragon knew much of the world, in these changing times and of the eons that preceded them. Parthurnax mentioned another great dragon that had gone into hiding before the fall of all the dragons. One perhaps even stronger than Alduin. Rorik expected the name Junsenax but was surprised when he heard a new name, one he had not heard of, VulViingKonahrik. "Who is this dov? I have not heard of him. But if what you say is true, he must be formidable indeed." Rorik inquired further.


"He is the only other dragon to have dwelled in hiding all these years. He hid within one of his many fortresses. Now he seeks to rebuild his once great empire." Parthurnax replied.


"What manner of dov is he? Wicked? Cruel? Just? Kind?" Rorik was curious. He imagined the first two would be incorporated into the answer in some form or another.


"I cannot say. I only met him but once and many years have passed and dov may change. Much like I, dovahkiin."


"Where can I find this VulViingKonahrik?" Rorik asked...

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Selene did as Cyrus told her, testing out her powers on the prisoners in the torture chamber, shifting spells, and using her claws and fangs to wrend them... after a while, she was used to this new body, and she reverted form, transforming back into her beautiful self.


She walked back to Cyrus and hugged him... this time not with the desire to use him, play him like a pawn, or ensnare him for pleasure... this embrace was loving, caring... For even Selene wanted love.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Cyrus was surprised to see Selene appearing more fragile than her usual come here do this demeanor, and holds her tightly, being careful to not move his feet too close as the talons on his boots had an enchantment that poisoned the one kicked with a poison that would cause temporary paralysis. "Just need to be held, my love?" Cyrus asks, cuddling her closer, again careful of the feet, and bending down to see if she would like a kiss.
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Selene kissed him softly on the lips, not with passion, just with care, a longing to be with him for eternity, she held him closer and rested her head on his chest "The things you say to Sara... the way you treat her... inside i hurt with every look... not just jealousy... but, feeling as if i can never have that. I may be a woman of a cold outlook, and an emotionless demeanor but, that is just how i was bred... I want love Cyrus, real, true love, not just the sex, and the flirting... i want the soft side as well."
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Cyrus looks slightly confused. "My dear, I had no idea it was hurting you so. I will need time to let her down gently, and maybe find someone for her, since she is quite young by their standards, and I am the first man she ever loved." He kisses her back, softly and holds her tightly, accidentally grazing her with a talon on his boot. "Sh*t!" He exclaims and fixes the paralysis, and holds her tightly again. He releases her, and says "Wait right there." and walks into the Black vault. He walks back out with a small box and an amulet of Mara in place of his usual Necromancer's Amulet. "If that is what you desire so much, would you marry me?" He says, opening the box and revealing a magnificent ring with diamonds and rubies.
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Selene too was rather confused by her own words... was the ice queen finally melting? "I... well... what?... Yes... i wan't nothing more Cyrus... But i should seek my father blessing... that way he can be at ease, knowing i am safe in your arms... But yes Cyrus, i will marry you... but i ask, that you do not love another, you do not embrace another, not Sara... not anyone... For i will promise the same." Selene said, looking into Cyrus's eyes, her's glistening in the dim light.
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"I can promise this once I let Sara down and do the honorable thing and find someone to take care of her. Will you accept that, my love?" Cyrus replies, pressing the ring into Selene's hand. The ring had an enchantment so he would always know where she was, and if she was alright when paired with the simple gold bands upon marriage. The pair were also stashed in his Black Vault on a pedestal labeled "Unlikely to be used." How wrong he had been.
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"I do sense a change in the air. Be silent" Waldo whispered to his companion. Maybe necromancers? Maybe Vampires?


The wait was over. A giant form flew down from a high branch, almost tackling Waldo. He ducked however and jumped back expertly grabbing Vuthoen and holding it at the ready. The creature, which appeared to be a giant bat-like human Whipped around hissing and spitting at them.

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Rilgumskar was just beginning to track down the source of the twig snap when a massive bat-like humanoid burst out of the woods, slamming into him and sending him flying across the path. He hit his back on a tree, and slumped to the ground, momentarily stunned. The.... whatever it was, let loose a very loud and very high-pitched shriek scared the living daylights out of anything within earshot, including Rilgumskar himself. Rilgumskar hit himself with a quick but weak bit of healing magic that healed any injuries he may have had, and then threw up a flame cloak spell and an ironflesh spell, draining about half of his magicka reserves. Rilgumskar took a moment to observe the creature, and noticed (not without considerable alarm) that it was one of the powerful Vampire Lords that had recently begun to spring up.

"Good thing I use a silver weapon, then....." he muttered to himself, before shouting to Waldo "It's a Vampire Lord! set it on fire or use silver against it, it should work!"

Using his Flame Cloak spell to his advantage, Rilgumskar leapt onto the creature, holding on to it by one of the wings on its back, and thrust his sword towards its chest, aiming for the heart. He missed when it twisted itself in an attempt to throw him off, but his Flame Cloak spell burned it severely, as it would even to a creature that was resistant to fire. It shrieked and jerked its body again, and this time it succeeded in throwing him off. His hand was ripped from the grasp of the wing, and he flew off, rolling a bit over its shoulder before plowing into the snow beside it. It could have finished him off, but the flames flying around him scorched its hand when it went for the killing blow. Leaving Rilgumskar alone for the moment until the spell faded, it turned to face Waldo, who had his axe at the ready.

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Waldo saw as Rilgumskar and the vampiric lord tangled in a mess of flames and shrieks. Waldo was covering his ears to keep the screeching from reaching them. As Rilgumskar was thrown off into the snow, The lord turned to Waldo and began to hover, flying with red tendrils of mist shimmering around its pale muscular legs. Waldo had heard Rilgumskar when he told him to use fire and Silver. Unfortunately Waldo knew no fire magic, but his great axe had been imbued with silver when it was enchanted. The beast held in its hand red magic, of which Waldo had never seen. It casted it at Waldo. He jumped into the snow just in time as it exploded in a red cloud, red as blood. Waldo slowly got to his feet as another ball of magic came at him. This time Waldo was prepared. He spun around it and charged. Waldo swung as the creature landed back onto the ground missing its head. The vampire grabbed a hold of the axe's long handle and wrestled for control of it. Waldo kicked the vampire in the crotch, luckily it had balls (no pun intended), and that successfully knocked it back for a time. Waldo attacked the Vampires arm, and as it was still recovering, Waldo managed to slice the creatures skin.

Surprisingly, the arm wasn't severed. It was only scratch. Damnit! Vuthoen doesn't have enough silver in it to fully do damage Waldo yelled to Rilgumskar, "I may be able to distract it, but I cannot do any real damage! My ax isn't capable of it. You'll have to be the one to kill it."

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