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Legends of Tamriel


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Selene kissed Cyrus back and said "I love you too my darling... always... but we should get moving." Selene said with a smile.




Iodiria was clearly annoyed of how bubbly the woman was, "Falkreath? A town of filthy peddlers and disgusting beggars, let it be torn apart, it is nords nature to be like animals." She said "But don't let me keep you from defending... well, bits of rotting wood, and stinking bodies in the ground."

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Cyrus kisses her again. "Not yet, my dear. It would be foolish to move without Tina and the army. We shall have to wait for a while, and I love you, I really do, and I am sorry if my actions have ever hurt you." He sits down, and pats the stone ledge beside him, inviting Selene to sit beside him.


Tina bows, and says "Mighty Dovah, I am under orders from the Jarl of Markarth and Falkreath by right of conquest Lord Cyrus Belafonte. He has ordered these dead legions *Which currently continue streaming past the dragon, bound by the spell under Cyrus's command* to be used to wipe out a group of Vampire Lords at Castle Volkihar. If there was another way, we would have used it, but living are susceptable to their attacks. The dead are not. As for the slaughter, our orders were to kill whoever tried to stop us. They drew weapons the moment we walked into town. So they died." The last of the army swarms past the Dovah, and the rest of the necromancers follow to keep all from attacking it. Tina bows respectfully once again, and says. "Prinzah Sul, Dovah. Aal Faal Ven Kodsav Moro." Her dragon speech was rusty, but she was pretty sure she just said. "Good Day, Dragon. May the wind bear fortune."

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Selene looked at Cyrus and said "I don't need an army... i had already perfected a stealth plan, i don't want them all dead, just Serana and her mother... the others can either follow me, or die. But an army would certainly intimidate them, get the gates open so we don't have to crawl through the undercroft." Selene said sitting by Cyrus. She wanted to get moving.



Iodiria laughed "The Empire? oh they don't hold much here in Skyrim anymore, not after the stormcloaks won... still, they all died when ulfric did, assassinated. Still that place could use much re-educating... rehabilitating, bring those savage dogs a little culture."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Cyrus kisses her again. "Not yet, my dear. It would be foolish to move without Tina and the army. We shall have to wait for a while, and I love you, I really do, and I am sorry if my actions have ever hurt you." He sits down, and pats the stone ledge beside him, inviting Selene to sit beside him.


Tina bows, and says "Mighty Dovah, I am under orders from the Jarl of Markarth and Falkreath by right of conquest Lord Cyrus Belafonte. He has ordered these dead legions *Which currently continue streaming past the dragon, bound by the spell under Cyrus's command* to be used to wipe out a group of Vampire Lords at Castle Volkihar. If there was another way, we would have used it, but living are susceptable to their attacks. The dead are not. As for the slaughter, our orders were to kill whoever tried to stop us. They drew weapons the moment we walked into town. So they died."


"I respect your lords commands, and I respect his right to conquest. But you have desecrated age of burial sites, if those sites belonged to my servants, I would have eaten your body, travelled to the soul cairn and devoured your soul." VulViingKonahrik said "They are not my servants, luckily for you, so I'll part..." VulViingKonahrik paused "Good, but It's Kodaav, not Kodsav" then he flew into the skies again, and went down the road, landing in falkreath. There were no people... or their bodies left. VulViingKonahrik looked around for anyone, before flying southward and perching on the peak of a nearby mountain, watching the town

Edited by Brutii
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Mirabelle gave an incredibly big cheesy smile and sarcastic laugh before turning away, the carriage arrived at Falkreath about 10 minutes later and she stepped out of the carriage, looking at the dead bodies...everywhere she looked, bodies, strangely intact.
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Cyrus sniffs the air, and says "I smell undead!" He clambers up a wall to see through a crack that was letting in light. "Good. they are a few hours away." Sliding down, he grabs Salene and plants a kiss on her lips. "Shall we go, my dear? I am eager to flex myself properly. I will tear down that gate with my bare hands if I must! Oh, and Serana is with the Dawnstar, and last I checked her mother was hiding in the Soul Cairn. I can take care of the mother personally, but I will send Tina at the Dawnstar. She can handle things."


Tina could see the undead ware heading towards a large crevasse in the wall. and recognized it as the hidden pass. She smiles grimly. Soon the army would be put into action.

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