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Cyrus grabs her shoulder. "Not that way, dear. It's a trap. This way." He points his hand at a pull chain, grabs it and yanks. The chain rattles, and a secton of wall slides down, revealing daylight. There are several guards, but the undead army, which had caught up, rushed outside and attacked them.
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Sahvithzoor flew high above the forest, across a large, glimmering lake, heading towards the south of Keizaal. Why, he did not know, nor did he care. He flew where the winds took him. The ancient dragon could see the very tip of the Throat of the World to his left, and he wondered if his zeymah Paarthurnax still perched there.


There were few of the joorre who could see him at this height. Most would mistake him for a white bird at a glance. Wanting to exercise his zul, he roared mightily. It reverberated off of the mountains and through the valley below him. Pleased at the sound, he roared again.


Giving in to impulse, he tucked his wings and dove, plummeting a few thousand feet before unfurling them again and taking another updraft.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Ha, yes, it's quite a wonder we made it through that. But you were out for a quite some time. I'd say around three hours" Waldo explained to him. "There was a group, or squad, if you will, that helped kill the vampire lord. They call themselves Death Squad 13, they work for the Jarl of Markarth" Waldo paused, thinking if talking about this was the best idea in the inn. "They were necromancers... but I let them take us to into the city, otherwise we would be questioned by the border patrol. Now, however I don't know what to do. I suppose we could see if the Jarl is here, but I think we should wait for that. tomorrow perhaps, if you feel up for it" Waldo looked for a barmaid and then ordered some Nord mead. Drinking from the bottle, he looked around at the others inside the inn.
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Rilgumskar's mood instantly dampened. Those damn necromancers were the reason Thelda was dead, and they had saved his life as well as Waldo's. He didn't like owing his worst enemy. And worse, he didn't have the strenth to fight them off. Cyrus was a Master Necromancer, from what Rilgumskar heard, so if the Jarl just decided to stroll into the tavern and decided he didn't like Rilgumskar, he'd wind up as a pile of ashes. He frowned and slowly shook his head.

"Three hours knocked out. Damned Vampire, I could have killed at least one of those necromancers if he hadn't sucked the life out of me...." His hand balled into a fist, which briefly glowed red from a fire spell that he involuntarily called into existence, and then snuffed out. "Do you know how many necromancers or the like are here in the city?" He asked Waldo. He wanted to kill something- or someone-, preferably something that tampered with the souls of the dead.

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Waldo saw that Rilgumskar shared his rage for the necromancers. This pleased him. "I do not know. However I have noticed that the guards are wearing necromancers robes so I assume all the guards in the city are necromancers, it would be quite tough to fight a city full of the bastards" as much as Waldo hated the idea, he knew it wouldn't be wise to try and kill every guard in the city. They had to somehow come up with a band of fighters. Maybe if they had a group they could raid the city. That however might draw the counts attention, and Waldo didn't want that. The count was to be taken on, on a later date, best to fight him alone, or maybe even two verse one. "We need to somehow get a group of people, maybe we could find some able fighters hiding in the city, or in the countryside surrounding here. Maybe the mines? I'm sure no one likes being repressed by filthy summoners of the dead" Edited by TheBrownCow
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Sara, Steward of Markarth, decided the best place to state the decrees of the Jarl would be in the Silverblood Inn. She walks inside her scroll under her arm, and clears her throat. The old skald by the fire calls out "Everyone Shuddup! It's the steward! Get her a drink, on my tab!" The bartender nods, and most of the patrons fall quiet, except for a pair of burly looking ones. Sara decides they must be from out of town, and calls out. "The Jarl of Markarth, Cyrus Belafonte has this to say. He decrees the borders be opened, and bounties be paid of 100 gold a head for every bandit chief slain. Common Bandits, take whatever you want off them. He declares a time of peace. He also wishes to announce that he is getting married to the Lady Selene. *She chokes back a sob, and the skald who had moved closer due to his hearing not being what it was pats her consolingly.* As such, he is ordering the mines reopened, and trade resumed. This city will once again prosper! Any who farm are welcome to move to Falkreath, now also under Cyrus's control following a successful Political assassination. I am the temporary Jarl as Cyrus is gone on a mission to wipe out some Vampire Lords that the Lady Selene brought to his attention. Death Squad 13 is with him, so it will not take long." She rolls up her scroll and sips her drink before adding. "He says if anything happens to me, he will rip the heart of the person responsible out of his or her chest, and shove it into their mouth, so the last thing they feel and taste is their own lifeblood running down their throat. He hopes the message is clear." She finishes her drink, and sets the glass down. She curtsies, and finds a seat near the fire, her elven features thrown into relief by the flickering flames.
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Luckily for Selene, Cyrus directed when he did "Ah, thank you my dear." She said, stepping out into the sunlight, immediately hissing as it's rays descended, she drew her veil back over her face and looked around, she could see the Jetty in the distance and said to Cyrus "The tiny boat is far too small for an undead army, you will have to choose your best to come with us on the boat."




Iodiria examined the traces of Magicka in the air, and said aloud "Ah... i see what's been done here..."

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"This has been prepared for, my dear. Behold!" Cyrus turns a page in his book, and chants a spell, black clouds swirling around him. A large cursed ship appears, a resurrected Wreck. He had seen a necromancer from over the sea use that spell, and paid to learn it. He waves a hand, and rocks fly from a rockslide behind them forming a bridge to the boat. "Shall we dear?"
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Sahvithzoor continued his flight southwards, suddenly picking up the scent of decay. Looking downwards, he could see a human settlement below him, and the scent grew stronger. Judging from his position, it was what the joorre called "Falkreath." Did the settlement suffer an attack of some sort?


Curious, he dropped a few thousand feet again, circling Falkreath slowly.

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Dirmire walked out of Saarthal and made a journey towards Folgunthur to collect the secound of the three pieces of the amulet. The journey was long but he eventually arrived after a couple of wolf attacks. He looked at the two tall stone towers on either side of a vast doorway.
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