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Legends of Tamriel


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Halfway to the dining room, Something nudges him in his mind. He puts it down to his paranoia and continues up the steps to the dining room. They arrive, and there is indeed a large roaring fire, with a sofa, and a table with a servant nearby waiting to bring food at a moment`s notice. `Here we are. What would you like? Seat yourself anywhere.
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Jacob sat on a in the market district. Jacob felt his stomach rumble, he hadn't ate today, and if he didn't eat soon he had a feeling he'd be nothing but bone. Jacob hoped down off the crate he had been sitting on and made his way to the feed bag. Once he was inside he went over to the bar and waited, while the bartender was serving someone, Jacob reached over and grabbed a loaf of bread that was on the counter, he stuffed it up his shirt and sat there for a few minutes. The bartender came over and asked what he was doing

"Oh... Just waitin' 'round... you wouldn't happen to have any food for the needy, would you?" Jacob replied, sifting on the stool

"If you don't have the money to pay for it, then you ain't getting it, filthy beggar!" The bartender said, nastily "Just get out!"

"Alright mister, I'm going, I'm going" Jacob said, standing up, the loaf of bread almost fell out his clothes, and he quickly rushed to the exit

"Thats right! And don't come back, you filthy animal!" The bartender shouted after him


Jacob sat on the same crate he had sat on a few moments ago, and ate the bread quickly. Than he began to look out for a mark, he spotted rich looking gentleman. He recognised him, he'd been here before, Regent, if he remembered correctly. Jacob had a feeling, but he wasn't sure whether it was bad or good. Still, as long as he could get some money... He hopped down from the crate and approached the Duke from behind, keeping up with him. Jacob slipped his hand into the Dukes pocket trying to find something of value in the pocket to take from the duke

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Cyrus smiles, and gestured to the servant.`Wine for the lady. Now!`The servant rushes off. Cyrus bows gracefully. ``I am Jarl or Lord Cyrus Belafonte. I rule over Markarth and the surrounding Hold. Your name is? I only know that your beauty is legendary and that your the niece of the Emperor.`
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Dirmire stood in the centre of Karhtwasten and looked towards Markarth he needed to get inside but the pass thing with the border would not help him either. How would he get in, it doesn't help when they ask what you do for a living and you reply with 'I'm a necromancer who cuts up bodies, makes hybrid zombies and would like to conquer Nirn with legions of undead'. Dirmire sat there and thought how could he get in, he banged his head on the wall in fustration,'Great choice of career' he thought to himself.
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Selene smiled "Well lord Cyrus, you heard right. I am Selene Regent, Daughter of the Duke of Nibenay, and the Queen of Skyrim, and Niece of the Emperor... i must say i do like what you have don with the place."


The Duke continued walking for about 30 seconds before he noticed the thief rummaging around his pockets, he spun around and brought his cane swinging at Jacob, and he grabbed the boy's arm "What the hell do you think you are doing boy?!" He spat "If you wished charity, all you needed do was ask!"

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Selene smiled "Well lord Cyrus, you heard right. I am Selene Regent, Daughter of the Duke of Nibenay, and the Queen of Skyrim, and Niece of the Emperor... i must say i do like what you have don with the place."


The Duke continued walking for about 30 seconds before he noticed the thief rummaging around his pockets, he spun around and brought his cane swinging at Jacob, and he grabbed the boy's arm "What the hell do you think you are doing boy?!" He spat "If you wished charity, all you needed do was ask!"


Jacob almost fell over in surprise, infact if probably would have if the man hadn't grabbed his arm "I think I'm trying to rob you. You wouldn't have given me nothing if I asked." Jacob said, moaning and putting his other army on his shoulder, which had clicked out of place. Jacob thought about the rusty dagger in his back pocket, but he was doubtful the thing would be able to scratch the man, let alone hurt him "Let go!" he said, pulling his arm

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"Why, thank you, my dear! I do find it rather cozy." The servant returns with a bottle of the best wine and two glasses. "Leave." The servant rushes out, to be replaced by a border guard. "Sire, there has been strange activity around Karthwasten lately." Cyrus looked annoyed, and said, "Send Neville. He can deal with it." The guard salutes, and rushes off to find Neville. Cyrus pours two glasses of the fine wine, and hands one to Selene. "So, what brings you to my humble kingdom?"
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Lord Regent let go and said "Fine. But if you don't want help, then that is fine also... i am not an evil man, i have children of my own... walk with me boy." He said, gesturing for Jacob to walk with him.


Selene smiled, and took off her veil, letting it fall onto her lap, she looked at Cyrus with her sparkling eyes, and said "I came to investigate all of the rumors surrounding this place, that the dead walk at night."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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