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[LE] Noob Enchantment Scripting


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So with the lack of bug fix for enchantment effect magnitudes not scaling and my lack of ability to port the Oldrim mod that fixes this, I want to create a script to change the effects' magnitudes, for example on the Chaos enchantment. Im new to scripting so I dont know if this is possible, or what the most effective way to do so is.


My guess is I could simply add a script to the chaos enchantment that sets the magnitudes on equip, but I dont know how to properly reference the weapon's enchantment


Another option would be to have only the script, and create a spell that mimics Chaos, and on hitting a target, setting the magnitudes of the spell and casting it on the target


My third thought would be to have a scripted enchantment that replaces the enchantment on the weapon with the Chaos enchantment and apply magnitudes during that a-la CreateEnchantment(), but I am guessing it would apply to the base object and not the object reference.


If any of these are possible and effectively fix the chaos enchantment, I would really appreciate help in how to write the script.

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