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Custom stats for custom followers?


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Is there a way, in the CK, to dictate what stats a custom follower will raise as they level with your character, other than using the simple drop down and choosing a preset?


I want to create a Light Armor wearing, 2H weapon swinging, Archery using (as backup) Stealthy type follower (read: stealthy Barbarian or 2H Ranger), but the drop-down-presets on the Stats tab in CK don't offer those combos in one option. Some are close, like "Combat Barbarian", but that does not raise Stealth. "Orc Guard 2H " comes close, but uses Hvy Armor. Any way to dictate specifically which get raised?


If not... I guess I'll have to settle for something close, like Combat Barbarian and add Stealth00/20/etc... and Muffled Movement perks to counter the lack of leveling Stealth.


Thx in advance for any insight.

Edited by ZedLeppelin
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Create a custom class.




I don't see anyway to do that in the CK. At least not on the Stats tab. Can you please elaborate, or point me to a tutorial on custom classes for followers maybe?


EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. Object Window > Character > Class, right-click one and choose new, distribute 11 points among the stats you want raised (1-3 points per stat, with higher number being higher priority to raise) and then that custom class becomes available in the Stats drop down.

Edited by ZedLeppelin
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