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Winchester Liberator Shotgun


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Hello. I have been using mods from the nexus for years. Since fallout 3 through to 4 and skyrim and oblivion. But this is the first time I have interacted with the boards. My apologies it is for a selfish reason.

What I would like is, as the title says, the Winchester Liberator shotgun type 3 with the loader breaker on the side, not the top forked breaker leaver. It doesn't look as good to me. I think it will fit fallout 4 perfectly and is a very interesting gun.

I live in britain so we aren't allowed guns and to be honest I am not a person who is interested in firing guns, but with that said there is a few guns I love the look of, the M1911, P38 and .357 magnum. I have thrown these guns into my game from some fantastic modders. The Liberator is such a cool lookinjg shotgun and I would love to shoot gouls heads off with it.

If you have read through my ramblings up to here Thank you.




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