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Distant fog issue (screenshots)


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Hi ive recently noticed that my game has no fading of objects in the distance. No fog. At first i thought it might be because i had installed an ENB mod so ive taken comparison shots.


ENB off:http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6605/2012061600001.jpg


ENB on:http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/4246/2012061600002.jpg


As you can see they both render everything all the way to the horizon with no fading.


Any help as to what i can change in the skyrim ini or enb ini files (or any other solution) would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi ive recently noticed that my game has no fading of objects in the distance. No fog. At first i thought it might be because i had installed an ENB mod so ive taken comparison shots.


ENB off:http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6605/2012061600001.jpg


ENB on:http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/4246/2012061600002.jpg


As you can see they both render everything all the way to the horizon with no fading.


Any help as to what i can change in the skyrim ini or enb ini files (or any other solution) would be greatly appreciated.




It might be an error due to mods. What mods are you running? if you could post a list i might be able to help you figure this out. If you have mods that stop the world from de-rendering, so it is always fully rendered, that might be it. But I don't know of any mods that do that. Do you have fog settings all the way down, because that can cause stuff like this to happen. Any mods that edit fog might and how it works might cause this. It all depends on what mods you are using, what game settings you are using, and what errors/bugs are occuring. This might be caused by any of those things.

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Hi thanks for the quick reply. Heres a list of mods im running, i dont think any of them have much to do with global effects



00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  HighResTexturePack01.esp
03  HighResTexturePack02.esp
04  Realistic Lighting.esp
05  Realistic Lighting - Addon.esp
06  Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp
07  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
08  bound weapons redux.esp
09  LFArmors.esp
0A  Remodeled Armor.esp
0B  DeadlyDragons.esp
0C  armored-horses.esp
0D  FasterHorses_Sprint_x1_5.esp
0E  UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
0F  Bashed Patch, 0.esp



You mentioned i might have fog setting down. How would i go about turning them up? is that done through the ini file or just the standard launcher options?

Thanks in advance.


Note: i tried turning off the realistic lighting esp files as they seemed the most likely possibility but they werent the cause.

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