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Please help, ENB presets causes CTD upon loading save


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So, I'm just going to say it right here: I'm new at modding. But not like I started yesterday, but I do have limited knowledge when it comes to this.

Going into the problem, when I try to install ENB presets, the game crashes every time I load a save.


At first, I had the PRC (Photo Realistic Commonwealth) Preset. I uninstalled it, because I wanted to try some other ones.

How I uninstalled: Went into NMM, uninstalled it under the ENB presets tab. Then I went into my root folder, deleted the ENB folders, the .dll files, and verified the game.

The ENB presets that I tried to install were: Decent PLUS, Film Workshop, and Subtle


The way I installed these were:

Download the ENB, place the .dll files into the root folder.

Then extract all the files in the preset folder... That should be it, right?


know it's not any of my other mods, because as soon I delete all those files, the game runs fine.

When installing ENB presets, do you have to install the ENB version that they tell you to, or can you install latest version?


As previously stated, I'm sorta new to this, so I apologize for not providing the necessary info that might be needed to solve this problem.

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