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Alduin's bane quest glitch


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In the "dream vision" of Alduin's Bane quest, when the 3 heroes use Dragonrend to attack Alduin to bring him down, Alduin does not attack at all, he just sit there being continuously hit by the three heroes. However this causes the quest to be unable to advance, because it seems Alduin has infinite health and the 3 heroes have been attacking him for like 10 minutes now, lol.

Anyone know what might be causing this? I've read the UESP wiki and no info was given on this. I don't have any of the bugs listed on that page.

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@Heartcloud, i think there are a couple randomly occurring glitches in the scripting of the dream sequence flashback cutscene; and,

there were a few possible causes observed by gamers that can disable quest progression (i'm not going into them here).

(see the 'bugs' list here: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Alduin%27s_Bane ).

Suggested fixes mentioned were to reload an earlier save and restart the quest at the Throat of the World,

waiting 24 game hours to restart the quest, and not touching your mouse or keyboard during the cutscene.

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