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What's your right to judge someone's hard-working efforts as &


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Generalizations are only bad for the people that don't understand that those are exactly what they are - generalizations. There's always a degree of difference between a generalization and reality and as it hapens that difference is all that's needed to tilt the whole matter out of such a generalization.


So yes, general, yes, harsh. But other than that - I fairly acurately described the worst cases :P.

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It's sad to see that modders hard efforts to create something is treated so shabbily.


I've had trouble with downloading mods myself, but rather than get ticked at the creator of the mods, I try to solve the problem myself. I often have to look on these forums for advice, but usually the topic is already covered before I have to post a new one. Most often, the problem is simple once I've had a little more information which is all provided in the forums and the read mes.


The 250 mod limit is really a pain, but that's no modder's fault at all. It doesn't even have anything to do with the size of the mods, they can all be the 250 biggest downloads in mod existence, but add one 2k or less mod to that number and it just won't work.


For some mods and beginning modders, constructive criticism should be welcome, but not abuse. There's absolutely no reason to abuse someone for their creation. Nobody put a gun to a person's head and forced them to download and apply the mod in the first place.


I've had to discard a lot of mods, mostly due to the limit and it just wasn't 'me'. For instance, one mod gave herds of creatures instead of just one. This sounds fun, but killing a herd starts to lose it's interest for me. Nothing against the mod itself, it just wasn't something that appealed to me. Others would take great delight in it.


Some mods, useful ones, I've had to discard only for the limit alone. Yes, it's good to change the name "adoring fan' to annoying fan(which is more than apt, I would lie awake in bed thinking of new ways to have him killed while following me), but if you make him stay in a place you rarely go, or just simply shoo him away then you don't need the mod, thus leaving room for the new one you want to install.


It's up to the site managers to monitor those abusive posts and delete them.


It's not only abusive, but overly sarcastic posts that should be curtailed. Yes, sarcasm can be fun, but it leads always to a "sarcasm contest" where posters compete to post the best 'zing' on someone. I've seen this virtually kill a ton of forums. It becomes nothing more than a few sarcastic jerks and nobody else will dare post anything(cough, battle for Wesnoth, cough).


So far, from what I've seen, these forums are mostly in good shape. People seem to love the game of Oblivion so much that they want to add on to it and continue playing. You can't want more from a game than that. The enthusiasm shows here in Oblivion forums, and is lacking in the forums of a lot of games.


As to those of you who have created mods for other's enjoyment, thanks from a grateful player.

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I beleive that's what halomaps forum people call "criticism"

Usually just a "mean" way of saying "That needs some work dude.. :P"

Unless, I again, misunderstood.


:thumbsup: Look at it this way, They are trying to say that they have nothing better to do than to rant about your work..





I hope China does not win the olympics.. :< Cursed air that is poluted to a 90 on the scale..

Anything below 40, I think is the "clean" air...

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My favourite topic...NOT!


I think there is a vital difference here between something constructive and venting at the mod maker. Most people who have never been in this position call most posts contructive if it starts out with 1 truth but imagine being moaned at all day every day for years, it just wears you down.


Also normal people start out like this usually.


"Hay Giskard Love your mods BUT".


Then they list a problem and everything is still ok but next they forget to check the hostility at the door and slowly over 2 or 3 paragraphs convince them selves that the mod maker did it delibrately to annoy them and must die for his crime. IT being what ever they reported.


The mod maker sees them venting at him and expending and answer and he just doesnt want to give that sucker any answer at all, he wants to smash his face in.


Next guy comes along, doesnt even read the comments directly below his and askes exactly the same question.


I actually called mean for telling people to read the thread on beths website during the first year of Kvatchs production. In one infamous case the answer had been posted no less than 3 times on the same page and people still asked the question.


Im being deadly serious btw, I got flamed for snapping at the last user to ask the same question without reading the thread. I have it burned in to my memory "Lore says Kvatch should have an arena".


I didnt want one but that didnt matter. Nor does the lore say kvatch should have an area. The lore says kvatch should be a burning ruin thats what it actually says so they where all wrong anyway.


But they just kept asking the same question and do you want to know what finally stop it ?


Not the readme, not my website, it was me adding an Avatar in the game in the survivors in with the question Wheres the Arena answered.


I found out just how many people get the message if you send it in the game after that. Thats why, when I quit, i said goodbye in the mod, not in a forum. I was certain to reach 100% of my fans and zero % of everybody else.


Anyway my advice, ask Dark0ne to disable comments and voting, your mod users that really want to contact you still will.



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