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Making a mod


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I'v always loved Morrowind and have had it for so long and have always wanted to make my own mod. I have always wanted to make a castle/house mod that is perfectly designed for my character i was just wondering how hard it would be to make a pretty big castle mod using no new textures, meshes or icons or anything. Mainly imperial archetechture for the castle
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I just started my first mod not too long ago. It is fairly simple. The hardest part for me was learning to control the camera in the Construction Set. After that, everything else just fell in to place. Using the Construction set is a bit like using Legos. You fit the pieces together as best as you can make them fit.


The first thing I would start out with is making the interior, as you seem to have some idea of what you want. Then pick a location where it is convenient for your building to be. In my case, I used the landscape editing feature to create my own island. Then you just create an exterior that suits it. You usually want to have the same general orientation and proportions for both the interior and exterior.


A very good place to look for tutorials (which, it seems, is more what you need) would be CS Tutorials.



Good luck, and have fun.


p.s. I would recommend making use of the search function if you are looking for something very specific. There is already quite a wealth of information on this forum.

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