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Help: Can't Add Items to Container


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I can't seem to get some armor and a weapon to show up in-game in a custom chest I've added.

To be more specific, I'm trying to add some mod items (armor set and a custom bow) to a chest I've added to the game world and the strange thing is, these item are the only ones not showing up in the chest out of everything I've added. Another strange thing (for me at least) is that a weapon from Jaysus Swords that I added showed up including all the other vanilla items, so I'm confused as to whether it's to do with the fact that the items I'm talking about are mod items or if it's something else.


I'm very new to the Creation Kit so yeah, any help would be much appreciated!


P.S. They are in the chest, according to the Creation Kit anyway.

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Yeah I just did that now and it made no difference. I also tried using a different armor set but nothing is showing in-game.

Also, when I place the armor into the game world in the Creation Kit it shows up fine, whereas when I try to add the bow, it has no model. The weird thing is though, that in-game, if I add it through the console it works perfectly.


Like I said in my OP, I'm very new to the Creation Kit so I really have no idea why this is happening.

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