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In Serious Need of CK help


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So this is my first time modding or using CK. I went through the tutorials and even watched some others. But here's my problem:

I'm creating a fort using the imperial kit. I load Skyrim.esm. I make a new cell called MyFort and save the plugin as MyFort.esp. Put down a few walls. Since CK crashes every 10 minutes, I save constantly. Then inevitably CK crashes. I load it up again, go to data, check Skyrim.esm and MyFort.esp, and click ok. I load the MyFort cell and all's fine. Put some more objects down saving constantly however I have to save as MyFort2.esp, since it won't let me overwrite MyFort.esp while it's active. Que crash. Reload, data, Skyrim.esm, MyFort2.esp, MyFort cell... But only the most recent objects are there! The walls I put up before the first crash are all gone. It's extremely infuriating. What am I doing wrong? This isn't addressed in any tutorial I can find. They only tell you how to create and save a new cell and esp, not edit an existing one.


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You have to set your previous file as active file, otherwise ou are editing a completely new file, without the contents of the previous one :) Also, try validating your ck files and make sure it's been updated properly, to counter the crashes


Edit - darn, I lost the fast reply race >;l ,, so,, what he said.

Edited by FakePersonality
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