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Settelment mod idea


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some ppl have issues like where to put my settler i have so meany & no jobs, so my idea is make a dance stage it is small object larger then guard post ofc, there are 3 ver dance dance & sing sing & strip so player can make any type of bar he wants, if singer cause 2 much issues then just the 2 dance stages, new i got idea stage for group dance to like cabaret for example, also stage for performer like juggler if that's possible without issues, this are just ides some1 who will actually use this ideas can invent more stages if he or she comes out with expansions to this idea that this idea just gives spark to fuel & light it :)


second idea hunters cabin its a small building like the cabin u can build what is under wooden structures & u can sing max 5 ppl to there they at times sit inside & then go around like ur scavengers & each NPC brings in 6 food & also they produce meat, any type of meat one time deathclaw meat next mierlerkqueen meat randomly like scavanger station brings in mats


i personally can just make more guard posts to solve this issue :)

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