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[Mod or tutorial request] knives, max armor skills, ect


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I have modded several of my own game files, but i have not been able to find in the file structure where the allowed number of skills including set bonus (33) is, or where the data specifying knives as a supply item only and i would like to change those, especially the knives!!!I do want to test adding more skills beyond the limit of 33 as well to see whats possible. Someone i have talked to on another forum have expressed an interest of changing the poison tick damage values as well which are 20, 16 and 10 (14,10,0A hex) as they wish to play a damage over time paradigm within the game and the poison tick damage and duration do not really allow for this not to mention poison is hands down the weakest status in the game. I have extracted all of the game files from chunk, i just cannot find those values to edit within the files, i just hope it is not on a per monster basis. as far as my other requests, i just hope that is not a hard coded thing with in the exe file.

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