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Quick question about naming objects/quests


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For my mods I've been naming everything aaa*username*whateverthisis.

For example I'll name a chair or something like aaascarycavechair.

If it has a script it would be named aaascarycavechairscript.

A package? aaascarycaveChairWaitpackage, aaascarycaveKillEveryonepackage


Is this really a good habit? I want to make sure my object/scripts/spells/etc. don't get mixed up with stuff from other mods.

Edited by scarycave
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Wouldn't really work well if you would be making more mods. You really should include the mod name in the objects, like BPHCellActivatorBathtubWood for an activator placed in a cell and BPH being short for the mod name. You could go for a longer mod name, but the game doesn't use names anyway, so it doesn't matter. Only for quest names it matters a little, when using ini files and changing variables in the console, etc. However, you'll be using the quest name a lot for scripting, so you should keep it short. The aaa part isn't really necessary either and would only cause more typing imo.
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