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[WIP] Viva-Nuka-World!


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Background: Despite Nuka-World Reborn being a big mod already, it was going to be a lot longer. The Traders questline was cut from 8 quests to just 6 and the Institute Exiles' content was going to be bigger.


I changed the scope so that Nuka-World Reborn could have a feasible release date, but as it's done and dusted, I can't help notice the loose ends still hanging.


Viva Nuka-World will change this. It will be a sequel to Nuka-World Reborn and so it will only run after you have finished the questlines in that mod.


Planned features:


-A new Traders questline with a new boss and a new location.

-More consequences for the decisions made in Nuka-World Reborn.

-The ability to populate the sections of the park with new Traders.

-Instead of the unreliable "Previous" and "Next" options, I will be using Extended Dialogue Interface to add any extended options. Needless to say, this excludes the possibility of a console release.




The first Traders quest has already been done.


Release date: TBD

Edited by EnvyDeveloper
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So, I admit that Nuka-World Reborn ended up being not up to my standards. I doubt I'm alone in this. So, this mod will not just do more of the same. What will change:


  • You will be able to make choices without failing entire questlines. This is due to a more rigid structure which will decide which questlines you can play.
  • The narratives will be tighter and shorter, with more of a focus on complex dialogue sequences and role-playing.
  • I will strive to write better dialogue (not sure how, I'd appreciate any pointers) and give better voice direction so that the voice acting turns out better.

My vision does still have the Institute Exiles around and there will at least be some references to them, so if you disagree with the new lore, there's no guarantee that VNW will be for you.

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