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Since Skyrim 1.6 Karliah related Ctd's


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Yes, as the topic says, since updating to 1.6 my Skyrim crashes everytime i load a cell with Karliah in it.

The funny thing is, if i try often enough loading this cell, i'm able to load it. Means it crashes only 9/10 times.

So my question here, anyone else with this behavior or any solution? (Already tried turning all mods off)

Maybe it's a conflict, maybe not, i have no idea.

Here's my modlist



00 Skyrim.esm


• 01 Update.esm


• 02 CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm


• 03 HorseBranding.esm


• 04 Imp's More Complex Needs.esm [Version 0.24]


• 05 SkyMoMod.esm


• 06 JSwords.esm


• 07 Ranger Ridge.esm


• 08 ApachiiHair.esm


• 09 Omegared99-Compilation.esm


• 0A Shadow Striping Fix.esp


• 0B Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 1.0]


• 0C Improved Combat Sounds v2.0.esp


• 0D SoS - The Dungeons.esp [Version 1.11]


• 0E SoS - The Wilds.esp [Version 1.0.2]


• 0F Better Dynamic Snow.esp


• 10 Realistic Lighting.esp


• 11 Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp


• 12 Warmer Magic Lights v1.esp


• 13 Weapons and Armor fixes.esp


• 14 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp


• 15 Convenient Horses.esp


• 16 Crown_Helmets_AIO_2_5A.esp


• 17 Dr_Bandolier.esp


• 18 improvedskillbooks.esp


• ++ Perfect Legionnaire 3.0.esp


• 19 SabreFurBag.esp


• ++ SkyMoMod_lists.esp


• 1A Auto Unequip Arrows.esp


• 1B AdditionalAmulets.esp


• 1C SkyRe_Plugin_Arcania_armory_1_5.esp


• 1D Cloaks - No Imperial.esp


• 1E 1nivWICCloaks.esp [Version 2.0]


• 1F 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No Imp.esp [Version 0.9]


• 20 DaedricCorset.esp


• 21 Northborn Fur Hoods.esp


• 22 EinherjarArmor.esp


• 23 SkyRe_Plugin_isilNarsil.esp


• 24 IorvethLightArmor_v_1_3.esp


• 25 LFArmors.esp


• 26 SkyRe_Plugin_Omegared99-WeaponSets_3_2.esp


• 27 Omegared99-Compilation-NPC Plugin.esp


• 28 OrcishMaskedHelmet.esp


• 29 Saskia.esp


• 2A SkyRe_Plugin_TCOSS_1.esp


• 2B TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesEliteArmor.esp


• 2C ThalmorStandalone.esp


• 2D TrissStandalone.esp


• 2E DeadlyDragons.esp


• 2F DeadlyDragonsSpells.esp


• 30 DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp


• 31 Ranger Ridge.esp


• 32 armored-horses.esp


• 33 Better Necromancer's Amulet.esp


• 34 GauldurAmuletFix.esp


• 35 BetterWhitePhialEffects.esp


• 36 calyps-dragonpriestmasks.esp


• 37 dynamic fires.esp


• 38 ImmediateDragons.esp


• 39 joopraetorian.esp


• ++ LaFemmeLycana.esp


• ++ Free Circlet Slots for Hoods.esp


• 3A SkyRe_Main.esp


• 3B SkyRe_Plugin_Dreamcloth_Addon.esp


• 3C SkyRe_Plugin_JaySuSSwords_1.3D.esp


• 3D SkyRe_Plugin_HedgeKnightArmor_1.esp


• 3E SkyRe_Plugin_WarchiefArmor_4.esp


• 3F SkyRe_Races.esp


• 40 SkyRe_Vampirism.esp


• 41 SkyRe+Height_Adjusted_Patch.esp


• 42 SkyRe_Combat.esp


• 43 SkyRe_Enemies.esp


• 44 SkyRe_StandingStones.esp


• 45 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp


• 46 Uncle Sheo.esp


• 47 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp


• 48 IMCN - Overrides.esp


• 49 enchanting freedom.esp


• ++ HoodlessPsijicArchmageReplacement.esp


• 4A The Dance of Death.esp


• 4B Dual Wield Parrying_ScriptDragon.esp


• 4C LovelyHairstyles.esp


• 4D Better Followers - SBNP.esp


• 4E Better NPC - Faction Pack.esp


• ++ Skyrim 1 Day DeadBody Timer.esp


• ++ Skyrim 3 Day Respawn.esp


• 4F Different Invisibility Effects plus Eyes Fix - Chameleon Version.esp


• ++ Unenchanted Theif Linwe.esp


• ++ Pickpocket Chance [10-95].esp


• 50 Different Shader For Magearmor Spells.esp





Btw, i haven't started a new game. Updated on a pre 1.6 savegame.

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Might be because it is a pre-1.6 game. I don't have problems with this, and I am using multiple mods that edit her location AND ai packages, such as making her a follower. I see a few things that might be the cause, such as RRaF(Realistic Ragdolls and Force) being before mods that it should be below. It might be that. Or does it still have problems with all mods off?
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To be honest, i haven't turned off every single mod. Only the ones i suspected to make changes in any kind to her.

And the Loadorder is a BOSS suggested one. I know, not always true what they suggest.

Hm, maybe i should start a new game... again ...

What about missing dialog voices? You get those?

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  • 1 year later...

Forgive me the necro, but...

Looking into some issues of my own, I discovered that even new vanilla game saves contain the following Papyrus log error:


warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property



Tes5Edit reveals that this particular instance of the item (Editor ID) TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell (FormID) 000D61E2 is injected into the TG06 "Hard Answers" [QUST:00021552] quest by Update.esm



it is also referenced in TG05 "Speaking With Silence" [QUST:00021551] by Udpate.esm & Unofficial Dawnguard patch.esp

and Patch1_9_UpdateQuest [QUST:010009A3] by Udpate.esm


I also found references to pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell (note the lower case 'p' at beginning of name)


I suspect this is the source of some issues people are having with Karliah "drinking her invisibility potion" during the 'Speaking with Silence' quest.


Googling 'TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell' and 'pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell' results in many peoples' posts of logs containing the same above quoted warning, or very similar. The fact that these posts are often seeking help for freezing and/or CTDs worries me. It seems the devs who created the Update.esm may have released a time-bomb into the wild.

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