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"This perison is busy" glitches


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Now this one's annoying. In my current game, I'll be watching a conversation where one of the NPCs should talk to me, but they don't. Activating them results in a "this person is busy" glitch, where they just stand there without responding as they would during the conversation. First, it was in the Underforge talking to Skjor. Instead of asking me if I want to join in the beast blood, he stands there like an idiot. I hit him with an Unrelenting Force, and that fixed it. Next was at Kodlak's funeral. Eorland wouldn't ask me to get Kodlak's fragment of Wuuthrad, but and enable/disable fixed that. Now I'm on First Lessons at the College, and Tolfdir wouldn't ask me about safety. I used setstage to advance to Under Saarthal.


Is there a way to fix this once and for all? These glitches are very annoying and a complete immersion breaker.


EDIT: Clarity

Edited by MrHermeteeowish
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