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I am sure this has probably been said somewhere more then once, somewhere in the months of posts on the nexus, I consider myself an amazing problem solver, I figured out how to get cbp physics all on my own!!!!!! HOWEVER this hdt physics thing has litterly stumped me, ive been the past 3 weeks, looking around the internet forums on rededit other things here, on loverslab, resources to help me figure out what exsactly I am doing wrong... I have the hdt stuff from the chinese site for version 39 i even have body slide and calentine and i got the cbbe smp config as well as (as sad as this might sound) all in one hdt ap 4.0 standard edtion 4k optimzed from heroedeleyenda's tumbler site, so heres my question.... I am pretty sure I have everything I need, the cbbe hdt phyics body built with bodyslide, the hdt stuff from the chinese site, and i got the config, and fnis xxl, but I still seem to be (or feels like I am missing something) because for whatever reason I should have an animiated vagina, on my character, more realistic or rather more of a jiggle chest wether it be with clothing or none, and I am not sure I have the wrong body, or i am not configering the xml files right, cause cbbe xml has more bones then the cbbe-tbbp as the cbbe one has more of the bones that are in my mesh i created with body slide, I am not to sure what I am doing wrong, (I do appologize for this being a stupidly long message) I am just at a loss after 3 weeks of it,


My load order is basicly this before I have anything else



leyendas (over rights calentine)



(all 3 hdt stuff)

smp config

(race requirment)

half dragon race (uses body slide created mesh)

xpmse skeleton

and fnis

I have yet to add any other mods.


I am hoping someone who has conqured hdt-smp both clothed and naked, can help me with this cause I am litterly stuck, and not sure what I am doing wrong, Thank you in advance and I am sorry for the really long winded message :(

Edited by Emophaze
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Thank you, for the quick reply!!! that is what I did, i buiit a special body, with a skeleton xpmsse with everything hdt installed, just that the actual physical effects are... how shall we say, at a bare min if anything if my character was dropped out of an airplane they still would barely even move (there is a little physical movement) very little compared to when i was using cbp and it worked completely fine, but i am just not to sure what i am missing in the hdt setup it completely stumps me,


Edited by Emophaze
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  • 2 months later...

I had the same issues with HTD-SMP as well. What I ended up doing was:

Uninstall SOS SSE, xmp extended, hdt framework, hdt physics, cbbe congigs and deleted both male genitals nif files 01 and 02 in the character actor assets folder. Reinstall all of them in the reverse order. Let all HTD-SMP stuff overwrite the xmp extended skellington and the cbbe overwrite hdt-SMP (the reason for this is the collisions you are after are sent from the male genitals nif file to make collisions happen, or so I have read, and by unintalling, and deleting the male genitals nif file you reset all of the collision paths that may be bad or non existent). The last thing I corrected, and I'm not sure why I had to correct this, is I opened up the CBBE XML and at the end of the file you will see a lines that have "no collision" in them one of them has "no collision male genitals". I deleted this line. In the male genitalsXml the same lines at the bottom of the file the on with the line that says "no collision pussy" I deleted that as well. I have no idea why the authors of the XMP files for a mod that is all about penis and vagina collisions would have those lines in there. The only other way I know of the fix the collisions is with Nifscope,. That was a can of worms I really didn't want to open! So instead I found another way. ð

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