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Best healer companion/follower?


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I've been trying out various healer followers. I've tried Cerwiden, I've tried Onean, I've tried Selene Kate and finally I've tried Celestine. Of all of those, Cerwiden didn't work super well for me. At some point she just... stopped healing me, even after turning off all of her other spells. Onean and Selene were both SUPER overpowered. It was like I get hurt and instantly I'm healed to full, regardless of how hurt I was. I could be down to 1 HP and both of them have super super overpowered healing spells. Selene also has slightly (in my opinion) annoying "shouts."


Finally, Celestine has been my favorite. She heals me, she casts candlelight on me (super useful with dark dungeons, although sometimes she's a bit... overzealous with trying to cast it on me) She tries to cast fury or calm on opponents. She also buffs me and ISN'T overpowered. She uses the normal healing spells in the game (to my knowledge.) She has been the best scripted healer I've found, despite her having the default young female voice. (Super overused IMO)


Are there any other decent healers/support followers that I've missed?


Also, having another decent follower with you that actively tries to HELP you is WONDERFUL! You should really try it.

Edited by corrado33
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Toccata isn't bad. I believe you can adjust or toggle her healing powers.

Oh yeah... I tried her. Was she the "fully" customization follower that you could pretty much adjust everything? I think she was just.... boring. (And too much of a pain to setup.)

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