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Possible to make *all* vegetation green in all of Skyrim?


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Hello friends :biggrin:


I was just wondering if it will be possible to make all Skyrim vegetation green? And I mean all of it, the entire map. I really hate the orangey, yellowey shrubbery (like what you see near Whiterun). It makes Skyrim feel like a theme park to me full of plastic plants. I find that I spend all my time messing about in and around Riverwood because its so lush and green :thumbsup:


Is there a mod out there that will do this - make ALL the vegetation green? Is it something possible to do with Creation Kit? How complex a task will it be. Or is it a case of telling the engine to replace the non-green veg with green?


I took some screenshots near Riverwood. This is what I would like all over Skyrim.








Lushyness greeny-ness :dance:


Thanks for your thoughts!

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It would be a texture mod, and quite large. the colors of the foliage is in the models textures. It's the same thing as an armor texture replacer just a whole lot more files to work on.


for Aspen trees you just need to change 3 textures, treeaspenbranchcomp.dds and treeaspenbarkcomp.dds

all these trees just using this textures, just make the leaves green with photoshop and the bark brownish (i did that for my mod already)




And you need to change the lod treeatlas too.

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It would be a texture mod, and quite large. the colors of the foliage is in the models textures. It's the same thing as an armor texture replacer just a whole lot more files to work on.


for Aspen trees you just need to change 3 textures, treeaspenbranchcomp.dds and treeaspenbarkcomp.dds

all these trees just using this textures, just make the leaves green with photoshop and the bark brownish (i did that for my mod already)




And you need to change the lod treeatlas too.


Yeah thats the start of the whole lot more files.

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