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Tried Several Fixes Game still Crashes


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Game was running fine a month ago when I last played it. Decided to try it again with the new 1.6 patch after it updated. Tried running the game and it instantly crashed after hitting play game on the Skyrim Autoloader. This program has stopped responding Windows is checking for a solution to your problem. Disabled and unsubbed all my mods. Tried again. Same thing. Deleted .ini files and no mods. Same thing. Uninstalled and reinstalled through Steam. Same thing. Uninstalled again and then manually went through and deleted anything left behind in both the steam directory and the documents/mygames section. Same. Thing. Edit: Also reverified the files through steam. No good.


Getting a little frustrated here.


Win7 64bit Pro

AMD Phenom II x4 3.2Ghz


6850HD Radeon running on Catalyst 12.4 with 1GB VRAM


Also tried running it in low settings and Ultra as well as everything between. Any help appreciated as I can't figure this out... am currently running a third reinstall off of the disc after deleting everything again and removing possibly related items such as WryeBash (which was previously fully updated and current).

Edited by cytadc
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