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Mounted Killmoves


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With the new patch out I'm very psyched about the mounted combat but disappointed that they failed to include killmoves if not melee maybe ranged killcams... so my request is can someone make ranged killcams available in mounted combat? I'm sure a lot of people would like to have that... :)







Edited by Scylla000
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i too would love to see mounted killmoves/kill cams. be awesome to see a kill cam of your char riding by someone and lobbing off their head with your melee weapon as you go by.


would also be cool to see mounted opponents as well.

Edited by Rendalli
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I'm not sure if I'm resurrecting this thread or not, but I was just thinking about this...


Bethesda might have left out mounted killmoves for a reason. Given how quickly horses move (relative to actors) and how slowly they decelerate, you could easily go riding off a cliff during a cinematic scene. Imagine how many angry players would by storming the gates at the Beth forums after galloping blindly off the Spine of the World for the umpteenth time!

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I managed to get killed after killmoving Dragons at least twice, which is basicly the same as what JanusForbeare described, only on foot.

The first time, I hit some of the guards nearby and they killed me the moment I got off of the Dragon's head, the second time I gut hit by the giant that didn't like me and the Dragon fighting. I didn't even realize it was there untill that point, which means it went all aggro when the dragon got too close, then I kiulled the Dragon while the giant walked to the place, only to smash me by accident.

Aparently, it was the same Dragon. The third time I managed to get the giant go all out even faster, got killed by it and left me facing the giant on my own (and on a really low level, it was the second Dragon I met in the whole game).


I think they will add the mounted killmoves on their own, like they did with the ranged ones.

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