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Skyrim animations not working


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I was doing a quest when some voice started to speak fromm the unknown in it. The quest was called The Break of Dawn. When I was getting spoken to, i activated the arcane enchanter, and my charcter just froze there and did nothing. I then had to save and then reload in order to be able to change back into first person. However, not i can not activate anything. Whenever i try to get on a horse or something, the animation just freezes and it waits a couple of seconds and nothing happens. I would really like some advice on this issue becuase the game is unplayable with this bug. Also, dont say use a different save because the only saves i have are the ones that were saved after the freezing took place.
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I was doing a quest when some voice started to speak fromm the unknown in it. The quest was called The Break of Dawn. When I was getting spoken to, i activated the arcane enchanter, and my charcter just froze there and did nothing. I then had to save and then reload in order to be able to change back into first person. However, not i can not activate anything. Whenever i try to get on a horse or something, the animation just freezes and it waits a couple of seconds and nothing happens. I would really like some advice on this issue becuase the game is unplayable with this bug. Also, dont say use a different save because the only saves i have are the ones that were saved after the freezing took place.


Toggle the console, click on your player and type "tai"

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