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Living in Skyrim, anyone?


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Hey, I'm looking for a mod or set of mods that make it easier to play more or less as an NPC. I have the eating and sleeping mods, craftable arrows, and that new "make your own house" mod, etc that help, but I'm looking for something like a "Life" perk tree or something.


Im wondering if it's possible to do this so that you get perk upgrades for speeded animations and enhanced yield for wood chopping and mining, and enhanced yield for gardening food and gathering alchemy ingredients.


Something along the lines of 1st level perk 10% faster when chopping wood, 2nd 20%, etc etc going based on the number of times you chop wood or mine for ores. Then at a certain level firewood, ores, or plant yield would increase by 1, and then 2 and so forth as an example.


A single mod that included stuff like this would be great, a sort of "Living in Skyrim" mod that enables you to simply live in Skyrim without having to be an adventurer.....

Edited by kingchris20
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