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How to spawn enemies by an Trigger


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The pull chain isn't a "trigger". The trigger is a invisible box in wich you enter.


The pull chain is called "activator". So you have to put a script in it with a "OnActivate" event.


Just copy the last script i posted and put it on the pull chain reference.

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So far so good, another Problem >< , now my mod allways wants the kingriverhelm.esm from a nother mod. but i havent no more thing from this mod in my cell. aaarghhh. :wallbash: whenn i try to load my mod withoud riverhelm.esm loaded it crashs. i checked my cell list, but nothing is there from riverhelm.esm in it.
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I think that when you tried to use the script from Rivehelm.esm you binded your esp with it.


There's a way to delete the parent esm needed, but i don't remember well. I think you'll have to use TesVSnip for this (not sure)


About the timespace:

Scriptname ArenaSpawnTrigger ObjectReference  

ActorBase property encBear auto

ObjectReference property arenaspawn auto

Objectreference property arenadoor auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
        arenaspawn.PlaceActorAtMe(encbear, 3).StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer())


This will spawn the enemy and after 5 seconds open the door. If you want to open the door before spawning the enemy, just switch the 2 script lines. Also, edit the number after "wait" for more/less seconds.

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So far so good, another Problem >< , now my mod allways wants the kingriverhelm.esm from a nother mod. but i havent no more thing from this mod in my cell. aaarghhh. :wallbash: whenn i try to load my mod withoud riverhelm.esm loaded it crashs. i checked my cell list, but nothing is there from riverhelm.esm in it.


First thing you should do is to rename the script, means the script file itself and the name inside the source code. You will have to re-compile it, add it to your activator and fill the properties again.


If you accidently created a dependancy to the other mod, you can indeed remove it with TESVSnip:

Open your .esp and navigate to the 'tesv4' record. Check the 'mast' subrecords in the section below. The first one should be Skyrim.esm. If there's another, delete it and also the 'data' subrecord under it.



Edit: Just read post#2 of gasti89, if you already renamed the script, different from the original, forget the first part of my post.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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  • 3 months later...

I ve tried this same thing with the bear, just as a test for a later outpost defense mod... but doesnt work. Any versed wanderer passing by this forum, please help


Scriptname BanditsScript extends ObjectReference



ActorBase property encBear auto


ObjectReference Property Marker auto


Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()





i created a new idle marker, placed into white hall- dawnstar, an my activator is a wetempactivator, added all the assignments (script-->properties etc...), but nothing happens really...

Edited by PrinceSanguine
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