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I play for relaxation, but this is what I get.

Please, take a look at these pictures I've uploaded to Photobucket. I recently bought this game and the textures look horrible. I'm playing on high quality and customized some stuff via the official "video and language" tab you can select in the Witcher 2 launcher. It seems that these textures need a very long time to load, dunno why though. That's why am here asking for help. When I get very close to something, it looks blurry for a while, but after that it loads to full quality. The game also takes a while to start up, when I click "launch game" a wolf's head appears on my desktop for about a minute, and then the game launches. Another problem is that I get 20-30 fps even on lowest settings. Bullshait.






Any help would be much appreciated.

Edited by Systex
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While i don`t know the driver version you`re using for your GTX 460 . If you`re using any beta version then install an older version of the WHQL drivers from Nvidia 296.10 or previous but no earlier than 275.33 . Also there should be an option to clean install the video drivers from the options menu . Additionally if you don`t use 3D then do not install the 3D drivers . Are you overclocking your card ?


You can make an exception in your antivirus for Witcher 2 just in case real time scanning is affecting the game .

Edited by tommy5761
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Yes, I've overclocked my card, but the problem seems to have disappeared although I haven't really done any changes. Thanks for the help anyways.
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