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Help! Can't activate mods or side quests!


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Hi, I have subscribed to about 20-30 mods for Skyrim on Steam, but I can only have 2 or 3 active at one time, or the game crashes to the desktop whilst loading. This means I have to keep swapping mods around, which in some cases means I lose items or saves that I get from the mods. What can I do to fix this so I can have all my mods active?


The other thing is quest markers. On my quest journal, when I activate a side quest, the marker does not show on the top bar or on the map, although my misc quests do show up, but not the named quests. I have checked SkyrimPrefs and it says that they are enabled. I tried starting a new game to see it that worked, but it still did the same. What can I do to fix this?


Please reply with any solutions you have asap please.



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