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Idle blacksmiths and shopkeepers


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I have a bug in Skyrim that keeps blacksmiths and shopkeepers from moving during daytime.

I know, this sounds stupid since they are not supposed to walk all that far. In the case of shopkeepers it's more graphical as they just stand next to their counter, not behind it. However, in the case of blacksmiths, it's a bit weirder. On one hand, they just stand around and don't use their forge, on the other hand, some blacksmiths like Alvor stop before even reaching their forge, which means that the dialogue option to buy/sell stuff does not appear. And yes, during nighttime, they DO move back home and return the next day, only to idle at their shop/forge).

If the mod order is needed, I can post it but I managed to narrow it down to a few mods as all of these seem to cause this bug (Even if only one of those is activated, the bug appears).

1. Space Wiking Dwemer Exoskeleton

2. True bound armors

3. Left handed rings

4. Ultimate NPC face unlocker

As far as I can tell, those mods use scripts. Maybe, those scripts conflict with anything? And if so, could that be fixed?

I would really not want to uninstall any of those mods, so I would really appreciate it if someone could help me fix this.



I DO use FNIS and update the behavior regularly, so it's definitely not due to missing animations

I DO use LOOT and the loading order is fixed

I DO use TES5Edit and cleaned any dirty plugins

And everytime, I uninstalled a mod containing a script (which unfortunately was necessary), I used the save cleaner


Thanks for any help I get :smile:

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If you uninstalled a scripted mod mid game you have probably borked your game. Using a script cleaner on a save after doing so will not do you any good. You will either have to load the game from a save before you installed or uninstalled that mod or start a new game.

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