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Looking for advice with Combat Overhaul Mods...


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Hoping someone can help me out here...


I have been playing around with various combat mods such as, deadly combat, ultimate combat, wildcat, etc.. I have been experimenting with having several of these mods installed at once, and one at a time. What I'm looking for is a combat experience where melee fighting is much more strategic in terms of having to use the sheild/sword, and having to pick your attack moments. Where enemies are much more adept at blocking and skilled with various offensive attack techniques. Some of these mods appear to satisfy this requirment, but the problem is that they also alter the damage/health dynamic in the game. I don't want to die from two hits, or a single power attack, and I don't want to kill the enemies the same way.

Just looking for a mod/s that will greatly increase the melee combat strategy without altering the vanilla systems health/damage characteristics. Is this possible? Is there anybody with some experience with these mods who can point me in the right direction?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by xpoverzion
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I tuned off all the health and damage settings in Wildcat, but the problem is that wildcat doesn't offer much of a challenge when it comes to enemy melee AI. Wildcat seems to be more of a health/damage/injury altering mod than anything else.


That's why you pair it with something else. For example, I think it pairs nicely with Deadly Combat Lite, since that is essentially the streamlined version of Deadly Combat and it still contains the scripted AI improvements by Deadly Combat. In fact, the Deadly Combat author recommends pairing Deadly Combat Lite with Wildcat.

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