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Stardew Valley

Mod Request: Interior Lighting


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It feels really dumb to walk into my house and fiddle around with the kitchen and my storage in the dark. It's also pretty weird seeing my husband just stand there staring at me with the lights turned off. I'd like to have the lights on, if there's someone that could make a lights-always-on mod it wold be great.


I've googled around and found nothing. I've seen people suggest using more lamps and hiding candles under furniture, but the lamps take up space I'd prefer to use for other things, and I don't like how the candles flicker.


If I'm indoors at sunset, the house remains well lit, even if the sky in the windows goes dark. If I leave the house and come back in the lights have turned out, so I assume it's a bug. Is there a way to have the bug on all the time?

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