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Constant CTDs but only when outside.


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Before the Official 4GB+ support patch I had my skyrim.exe modded with the CFF Explorer, and I very, very rarely experienced a CTD.


I stopped altogether after that patch came out, because once I had it installed my game crashed every 5-15 minutes; but only in the open world. I never CTD when in dungeons, caves, forts, towns. Only in the overworld. At this time I ran a very minimal amount of mods. The ones I did have we're very tiny, and not at all hugely game-impacting.


I've recently been trying to get back in the game with the plethora of awesome mods that have emerged, but the CTDs are too damn obnoxious, and I literally can't accomplish a damn thing. The CTDs are even more frequent now, usually every 2-5 minutes. I'm using quite a few mods, but no Graphical overhauls, no water physics, I'm not even running the Official 2k Texture plugin. I run the game on medium settings, with Shadow Quality set to Low.


My system specs are:


Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit (Probably a culprit as to why I experience CTDs, but probably doesn't explain the volume and frequency, and why it only happens in the over world.)


Intel Pentium 2.4GHz Dual Core Processor with up to L3 caching


nVidia GeForce n460GTX with 1GB On board memory




I know my Processor and and RAM are not the most impressive, but I know that they should be MORE than enough to run this game on Medium settings.

My Video Card I know could handle Ultra High settings, but the rest of the machine can't.


The mods I am running are:


3rd Person Dual Wield Animation Fix

A Quality World Map

Aela The Huntress' New Face

Alduin Scale Armor

All Enchant Recipe batch file (Not really a mod, adds items with one of every enchant in the game to you inventory.)


Armed to the Teeth Template (I am not running any of the default Weapon/Shield/Staff esps, only the template.)

Better Females by Bella

Calientes CBBE and CBBE Vanilla Armor Compatibility mod

Cannabis Skyrim (Easily the greatest mod to ever exist, at any point in time, ever.)

Crimson Tide

Daedric Reborn - Daedric Armor retexture

Deadly Dragons

Xenius' Detailed Faces and Detailed Lips and No More Blocky Faces

Deus Mons player home

Dovahkiin Relaxes Too

Dragon Bone Weapons Complete

Duel - Combat Realism

Einherjar Armor

Enchanting Effect Mods - No Effect (Removes the blotchy Red/Green/Blue/whatever textures on an enchanted weapon and makes it look like it is unenchanted)

Fur Hoods HD

Gizmodians Scars and Warpaint

Glowing Ore Veins 300

Greatsword Sheathes and Scabbards

Hedge Knight Armor


Lighter Beards

Lore Friendly Darksiders Armor and Weapons

Omegared99's Ranger Armor

Paraleyes Dragon Bone Armor Retex

The Dance of Death

Eyes of Beauty

Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Viking Spawn Axe

Warchief Armor

Werewolf Skins - black retex

Winter is Coming Cloaks and Hoods

Skyrim Monster Mod


I've tried literally every logical load order possible:


I've let boss try to order it,


I've put all Retexture mods, followed by weapons and armor, followed by Homes, followed by Game overhaul and script-based mods. And every possible variation of that.


I've even just spread them all about erratically, hopelessly hoping it might work.


(I do, however, always keep UFO at the bottom of my list, as instructed by the author in his installation instructions.)



I know the nature of CTDs are a mystery and no one can say for sure what causes them, because everyone gets them under different circumstances. But given my scenario and all this information, I thought I'd take a shot and see if anyone else has experienced my problem, and if they managed to fix it. One in a million odds, I know.









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i think in narrowed it down to the Z:fighting fix, if i reset my ini i get ctd when out side ever 5 to 10 min.
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I enabled Papyrus logs and played until I got another CTD, heres the last few lines:


Line 53

[06/19/2012 - 10:40:10PM] error: (000DC54E): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.


[ (000DC54E)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000DC54E)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26




Does anyone have any idea what this means?

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Solution in the first post. :)



I have the lvlpredator error, but I have no AI alter mods that I have uninstalled sense I last started a new game.


I've done a clean reinstall sense all of this started happening, could it be I have some hidden file somewhere from my last install screwing with my game?

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