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Mod Broken


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Hi i'm working on a big mod... suddently i reworked on it after some months... and in-game scripts doesn't work anymore... for example i put a script on a switch correctly and when i activate it, nothing happens. Or open a door with a terminal, or trigger box. What i have to do?



I use TTW and my mods are:


Vanilla game + dlc





Edited by 1BlueRainbow
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This is the report.


[00.00] Checking for Errors in [14] Mod000000.esm
[00.00] Error: record TXST contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord TX01 31305854
[00.00] Error: record TXST contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord TX04 34305854
[00.00] Errors were found in: zzzzzzTankTEXT [TXST:14008813]
[00.00] Contained subrecords: EDID OBND TX01 TX04 DNAM
[00.00] Error: record TXST contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord TX01 31305854
[00.00] Error: record TXST contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord TX04 34305854
[00.00] Errors were found in: zzzzzzTankTEXT [TXST:14008813]
[00.00] Contained subrecords: EDID OBND TX01 TX04 DNAM
[00.00] zzzJailScript1 [sCPT:140507F7]
[00.00] SCPT \ References \ SCRO - Global Reference -> [140507F6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.00] zzzSwitchDoor1Script [sCPT:1405905B]
[00.00] SCPT \ References \ SCRO - Global Reference -> [1405A158] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.00] zzzQuestJailTrigger1Script [sCPT:1405A15B]
[00.00] SCPT \ References \ SCRO - Global Reference -> [1405A15A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.00] zzzArtillerySXRIPT [sCPT:140732EC]
[00.00] SCPT \ References \ SCRO - Global Reference -> [140732EB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.00] SCPT \ References \ SCRO - Global Reference -> [140732E7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.00] zzzAertilleryACTBoxSCCRIPR [sCPT:140743C6]
[00.00] SCPT \ References \ SCRO - Global Reference -> [140732EB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.01] ZB0Build018 [sCOL:1400F014]
[00.01] SCOL \ Parts \ Part \ ONAM - Static -> Found a NULL reference, expected: STAT
[00.01] ZB0Market [sCOL:1400F015]
[00.01] SCOL \ Parts \ Part \ ONAM - Static -> Found a NULL reference, expected: STAT
[00.01] ZB0Station [sCOL:1400F016]
[00.01] SCOL \ Parts \ Part \ ONAM - Static -> Found a NULL reference, expected: STAT
[00.01] ZB0Reppcon [sCOL:1400F017]
[00.01] SCOL \ Parts \ Part \ ONAM - Static -> Found a NULL reference, expected: STAT
[00.05] WeapMinigunTitan "Titan Gun" [WEAP:14002D7B]
[00.05] WEAP \ DNAM - \ Attack Animation -> <Unknown: 0>
[00.05] GDMBED209GrenadeLauncher "Grenade Launcher" [WEAP:140074D6]
[00.05] WEAP \ DNAM - \ Attack Animation -> <Unknown: 0>
[00.06] zzzCommanderENEMY "Henry K. Trump" [NPC_:14044357]
[00.06] NPC_ \ Items \ Item \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> Found a NPC_ reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,ARMO,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CMNY,IMOD,KEYM,LIGH,LVLI,MISC,NOTE,WEAP
[00.06] zzzCommanderENEMYBerlin "Alfred Goffhuter" [NPC_:14065B5D]
[00.06] NPC_ \ Items \ Item \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> Found a NPC_ reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,ARMO,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CMNY,IMOD,KEYM,LIGH,LVLI,MISC,NOTE,WEAP
[00.06] [NAVI:00014B92]
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406FD2E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406FD2F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A8A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A8B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A8D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A8E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A99] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A9A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A9B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A9C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A9D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A9E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037A9F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037AA0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037AA1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14059FAA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072708] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072709] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407270A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407270B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DCB7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DCB8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DCB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DCBA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DCC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD00] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD01] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD02] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD03] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD04] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD05] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD06] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1404DD07] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14055408] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14018382] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14018390] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072BBF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072BC0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072BC1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072BC2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072BC3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14072BC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047082] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047083] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047086] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047087] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047088] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047089] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047093] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047094] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047095] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [140470CA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [140470CB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [140470CC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [140470DB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [140470DC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14047142] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1402756A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1CE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1CF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1D0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1D1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1D2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1D7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405D1D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14038A3F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14070D7E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14070D7F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14038A78] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14038A79] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14038A81] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14038AC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406E836] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406E839] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406E840] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406E843] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407AF73] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407AF74] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407AF75] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407AF91] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407AF92] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407AF93] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14027EDA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14027EDB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14027EDC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14027EDD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14039116] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14039117] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14039118] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14039119] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14036E41] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14036E45] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14036E46] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14036E48] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14036E49] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14045DE1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14045DE6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14045DE7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14045DE8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14045DE9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1405BEDC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037467] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037468] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037469] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1403746E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1403746F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037470] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037471] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037472] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [14037474] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406F95A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1406F95D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [1407209B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Location -> [14000CB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406FD2E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406FD2F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A8A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A8B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A8D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A8E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A99] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A9A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A9B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A9C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A9D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A9E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037A9F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037AA0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037AA1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14059FAA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072708] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072709] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407270A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407270B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DCB7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1405D16E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DCB8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DCB9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DCBA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DCC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD00] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD01] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD02] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD03] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD04] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD05] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD06] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1404DD07] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14055408] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14018382] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14018390] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [12093EEA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [1205B29C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #2 -> [1205B29B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #3 -> [1205B28B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072BBF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072BC0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072BC1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072BC2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072BC3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14072BC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1204A92B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [1204A4E2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #2 -> [12048DB4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #4 -> [12047165] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #5 -> [12047163] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047082] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047083] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047086] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047087] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047088] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047089] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047093] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047094] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047095] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [140470CA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [140470CB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [140470CC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [140470DB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [140470DC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14047142] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1402756A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1CE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1CF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1D0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [12035971] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #3 -> [1203272E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #4 -> [12032440] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1D1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1D2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1D7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405D1D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14038A3F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14070D7E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14070D7F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14038A78] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14038A79] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14038A81] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14038AC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [12051787] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [12088D8B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406E836] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406E839] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406E840] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406E843] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [12093EE9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [12093EE8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #2 -> [12093EE7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #3 -> Found a NAVM reference, expected: REFR
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #4 -> Found a NAVM reference, expected: REFR
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #5 -> Found a NAVM reference, expected: REFR
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #6 -> [1205CEBE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #7 -> [1205BDAC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1208A931] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [12089901] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407AF73] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407AF74] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407AF75] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407AF91] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407AF92] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407AF93] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1200F366] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [1200F32B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14027EDA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14027EDB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14027EDC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14027EDD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14039116] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14039117] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14039118] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14039119] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1203A9A7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1209BF8D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [1209C43A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [12050817] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #2 -> [1204E4F6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #4 -> [1204D5A9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #5 -> [1204CC61] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #6 -> [1204CC60] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #7 -> [1204CC5D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #8 -> [1204CC5C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #9 -> [1204CBE5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #10 -> [1204C84B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #11 -> [1204C849] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #13 -> [1204BB4D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14036E41] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14036E45] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14036E46] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14036E48] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14036E49] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1204D491] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1202D0D0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #1 -> [1202D0CC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #2 -> [1202CDDF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Doors \ Door #0 -> [1208AC52] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14045DE1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14045DE6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14045DE7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14045DE8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14045DE9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1405BEDC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037467] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037468] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037469] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1403746E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1403746F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037470] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037471] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037472] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [14037474] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406F95A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1406F95D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] NAVI \ Unknown \ NVCI - Unknown \ Unknown -> [1407209B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1203986B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1204B6C3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1204B6E4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1204BECF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1204BED7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1204D0F1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1204E315] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12050806] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120513B8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120516D2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12051BD4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1205277D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12052785] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12053649] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1205365F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541C9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120541DD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1205422D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12054D9F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12054DA0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12054DA1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12055FF8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1205600F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12056036] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12063981] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12066A7B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12066AA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12066AA8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1206803E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12068057] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12076A9D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [1208F50D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12095100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120957B7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [12095EB2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> [120A2532] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a REFR reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a INFO reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a REFR reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a REFR reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a REFR reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] DIAL \ Added Quests \ Added Quest \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a REFR reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14049254] ('Welcome to Conrucopia grocery store, just let me know what you need and i'll get it for you.' in GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14049253] ('Hello. 100 caps for one ticket.' in GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14049252] ('100 Caps for a ticket.' in GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14001166] ('Here you go.' in GRUP Topic Children of zMetroBuyTicket "zMetroBuyTicket" [DIAL:14001054] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14049257] ('Here. Bye!' in GRUP Topic Children of zMetroBuyTicket "zMetroBuyTicket" [DIAL:14001054] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14049258] ('I think you can't take the train.' in GRUP Topic Children of zMetroBuy "zMetroBuy" [DIAL:14001056] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14001057] ('Sorry you don't have authorization to take the train.' in GRUP Topic Children of zMetroBuy "zMetroBuy" [DIAL:14001056] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000])
[00.06] INFO \ QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[00.06] [iNFO:14040BFE] ('.' in GRUP Topic Children of zzzJailQuest1 "zzzJailQuest1" [DIAL:14040BFD] for zZzDialogueJailQuest [QUST:1400BE2D])
[00.06] INFO \ Conditions \ CTDA - Condition \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Objective not found in "zzzQUESTJAILzzz "Unknow signals..." [QUST:14040BFC]">
[00.07] zzzQUESTzzz "New World Order" [QUST:140362A5]
[00.07] QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ QSTA - Target \ Target -> [1401BD00] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] zzzPatrol [PACK:1400A452]
[00.07] PACK \ Locations \ PLDT - Location 1 \ Location -> Found a NULL reference, expected: ACHR,ACRE,PBEA,PGRE,PLYR,PMIS,REFR
[00.07] SitDownDent [PACK:14052D6F]
[00.07] PACK \ PTDT - Target 1 \ Target -> Found a NULL reference, expected: ACHR,ACRE,PBEA,PGRE,PLYR,PMIS,REFR
[00.07] CROblivionDroneSandboxXMarker512 [PACK:14000FFA]
[00.07] PACK \ Locations \ PLDT - Location 1 \ Location -> Target is not persistent
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FC6] (places [12049750] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12049750] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FC7] (places [120372D3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FC8] (places [120372D4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FC9] (places [120372D3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FCA] (places [120372D4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FCB] (places [120372D3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FCC] (places [120372D4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FCD] (places [120372D0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [120372D0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FCE] (places [REFR:14016D6A] (places PowerStationBlock01 [sTAT:0002D55A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:140459AE] (in BlackMesa "U.S.S.R. Military Base "SOKOW"" [WRLD:14044DA0] at 4,2)) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FCF] (places [REFR:14016D69] (places PowerStationBlock01 [sTAT:0002D55A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:140459AE] (in BlackMesa "U.S.S.R. Military Base "SOKOW"" [WRLD:14044DA0] at 4,2)) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.07] [ACRE:14077FD0] (places [REFR:14007123] (places DLCAnchPipe1WayLng02 [sTAT:0C0041EA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:14005916] (in STerlingCItyMainWorld "New Volkstok" [WRLD:1404810A] at 12,-29)) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.07] [ACHR:14077FD1] (places [12049734] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12049734] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACHR:14077FD2] (places [12049735] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12049735] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACHR:14077FD3] (places [12049736] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12049736] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACHR:14077FD4] (places [12049739] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12049739] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACHR:14077FD5] (places [1204972F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204972F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [ACHR:14077FD6] (places [12049730] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12049730] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [REFR:14077F92] (places [12047127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12047127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [REFR:14077F9A] (places [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [REFR:14077F9C] (places [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] [REFR:14077FB1] (places [REFR:140456ED] (places SandbagStraight [sTAT:000213F2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:1401099E] (in BlackMesa "U.S.S.R. Military Base "SOKOW"" [WRLD:14044DA0] at 3,3)) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] [NAVM:14077E5D] (for aaaUG2 "Ghost Town" [CELL:14077E5C])
[00.07] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1204A92B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [1204A4E2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #2 \ Reference -> [12048DB4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #4 \ Reference -> [12047165] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.07] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #5 \ Reference -> [12047163] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F882] (places SewerEntrance01 [sTAT:00042790] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F861] (places IndRubblePileSm01 [sTAT:000279CB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F860] (places IndRubblePileSm01 [sTAT:000279CB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F85F] (places IndRubblePileSm01 [sTAT:000279CB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F85B] (places NVBarrelPileRadioactive03 [sTAT:00137AFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F859] (places BarrelPileToxic02 [sTAT:00047B34] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F854] (places UtlPitCorIn02 [sTAT:00032CC5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F852] (places UtlPitCorIn02 [sTAT:00032CC5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1408F851] (places UtlPitCorIn02 [sTAT:00032CC5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt04RR8 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1408976A])
[00.08] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208F8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078353] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078354] (places [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078355] (places [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078356] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078357] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078358] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078359] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:1407835A] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:1407835B] (places [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:1407835C] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:1407835D] (places [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:1407835E] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:1407835F] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078360] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACRE:14078361] (places [REFR:14033B2C] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig01 [ACTI:0F00BB52] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078362] (places [REFR:14033B2C] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig01 [ACTI:0F00BB52] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078363] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078364] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078365] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078366] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078367] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078368] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACRE:14078369] (places [REFR:14033B2D] (places DLC05ConsoleCeilingBig03 [ACTI:0F00BB54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzzCOREMain "Stellar Particle Reactor Room" [CELL:1403377B]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.08] [ACHR:1407836E] (places [1203353B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1203353B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACHR:1407836F] (places [12033522] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12033522] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [ACHR:1407837C] (places [120327BC] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [120327BC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14077FF2] (places [1209986B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1209986B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14077FF3] (places [1207F8B6] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1207F8B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14077FF5] (places [1207F8B0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1207F8B0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14077FF6] (places [1207F8B4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1207F8B4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14077FF7] (places [1207F8B2] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1207F8B2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14078010] (places [120156FB] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120156FB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:1407810F] (places [120391BB] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120391BB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14078175] (places [120327BE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120327BE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14078177] (places [120327BE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120327BE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14078239] (places [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [REFR:14078246] (places [1200FD63] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1200FD63] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] [NAVM:14077FE3] (for aaaUG3 "Underground Incomplete Sector" [CELL:14077FE2])
[00.08] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [12035971] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #3 \ Reference -> [1203272E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.08] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #4 \ Reference -> [12032440] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E7] (places BenchUrban01 "Panchina" [FURN:0001D2C9] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E6] (places BenchUrban01 "Panchina" [FURN:0001D2C9] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E3] (places BenchUrban01 "Panchina" [FURN:0001D2C9] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E2] (places BenchUrban01 "Panchina" [FURN:0001D2C9] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088ED8] (places VDoorSlidingRR001 "Porta" [DOOR:000300E2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ XLOC - Lock Data \ Key -> [12089454] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088D9B] (places VDoorSlidingRR001 "Porta" [DOOR:000300E2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089464] (places ToolboxContainer "Scatola degli attrezzi" [CONT:0004525D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089463] (places VComputerRackR01 [sTAT:000A7B04] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089460] (places LabMachine01 [sTAT:0001BD7C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:1408945F] (places LowerBar02 [sTAT:00014E20] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:1408945E] (places LowerBar02 [sTAT:00014E20] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089405] (places LowerBar02 [sTAT:00014E20] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089404] (places VRmWallR01 [sTAT:00030065] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893FE] (places VRuinedRubblePileSm01 [sTAT:0004138C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893FB] (places RCTable02 [sTAT:00064838] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893FA] (places RCTable02 [sTAT:00064838] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893F9] (places RCTable02 [sTAT:00064838] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893F8] (places VRmWallR01 [sTAT:00030065] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893F2] (places LLamp01Off [sTAT:000C1EA8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893EE] (places Folder01 [sTAT:0002137E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893ED] (places NellisCrateSTATIC [sTAT:0010AAF2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E9] (places dlcanchmilitartycratebroken01 [sTAT:000F2168] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E8] (places dlcanchmilitartycrate01 [sTAT:000F2166] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893E1] (places LakelurkEggClutchContEmpty01a "Gruppo di uova di Lakelurk" [CONT:001449C4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893DC] (places VRuinedRubblePileSm01 [sTAT:0004138C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893BB] (places NellisCrateSTATIC [sTAT:0010AAF2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893B8] (places VaultRConsolStack01 [MSTT:000A6A5A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893B7] (places VaultRConsolStack02 [MSTT:000A6A59] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893B6] (places VaultRConsolStack02 [MSTT:000A6A59] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140893B5] (places VaultRConsolStack01 [MSTT:000A6A5A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140890D1] (places VaultRConsolPanel02 [MSTT:000A6A5F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140890D0] (places VaultRConsolPanel01 [MSTT:000A6A60] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140890CF] (places VaultRConsolPanel01 [MSTT:000A6A60] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140890CE] (places VURmMidR01 [sTAT:00040639] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089078] (places CampLog01 [sTAT:0007C24B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089076] (places CampLog01 [sTAT:0007C24B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089074] (places CampLog01 [sTAT:0007C24B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089073] (places CampLog01 [sTAT:0007C24B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088FD7] (places VHallSmEndExSmR01 [sTAT:00030058] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088FD4] (places VHallSmStairsR01 [sTAT:00042629] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088FD0] (places VURmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:00040643] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088FC8] (places VHallSmStairsR01 [sTAT:00042629] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F51] (places VHallSm2WayR01 [sTAT:00030069] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F4F] (places VHallSm3WayR01 [sTAT:00030056] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F4E] (places VHallSmEndExSmR01 [sTAT:00030058] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F4C] (places VURmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:00040643] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F46] (places VURmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:00040643] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F45] (places VHallSm2WayExR [sTAT:0012A935] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F44] (places VHallSmEndExSmR01 [sTAT:00030058] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088F23] (places VURm87Airlock [sTAT:00083991] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088ED4] (places LightCeilingVaultR04on [sTAT:0009AF5F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088ED3] (places LightCeilingVaultR01 [sTAT:00040626] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E91] (places IndRubblePileReg01 [sTAT:000279BB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E90] (places VRmWallEndExSmR01 [sTAT:0004060E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E39] (places IndRubblePileSm01 [sTAT:000279CB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E35] (places RubblePile03 [sTAT:00000A32] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E1E] (places CaveRoomMid02 [sTAT:000359B0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E1D] (places VRmWallScreenRR01 [sTAT:0004060B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E1C] (places VRmWallEndR01 [sTAT:0004060D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E1B] (places VRmWallR01 [sTAT:00030065] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E1A] (places VRmWallEndCorInLR01 [sTAT:00040612] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E19] (places VRmWallEndCorInRR01 [sTAT:00040611] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E17] (places VRmWallEndCorInRR01 [sTAT:00040611] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E16] (places VRmMidR01 [sTAT:00040613] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E15] (places VRmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:0004060C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E14] (places VRmWallR01 [sTAT:00030065] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E12] (places VRmWallWindowR01 [sTAT:00030068] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E11] (places VRmMidR01 [sTAT:00040613] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E10] (places VRmWallEndR01 [sTAT:0004060D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E0F] (places VRmWallEndCorInLR01 [sTAT:00040612] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E0C] (places VRmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:0004060C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E0B] (places VRmMidR01 [sTAT:00040613] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E0A] (places VRmWallR01 [sTAT:00030065] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E09] (places VRmWallR01 [sTAT:00030065] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E07] (places VRmWallWindowR01 [sTAT:00030068] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E06] (places VURmWallR01 [sTAT:0004063E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E05] (places VURmCornerR01 [sTAT:00040638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E04] (places VURmCornerR01 [sTAT:00040638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E03] (places VURmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:00040643] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E02] (places VURmWallR01 [sTAT:0004063E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E01] (places VURmCornerR01 [sTAT:00040638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088E00] (places VURmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:00040643] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DFF] (places VURmWallR01 [sTAT:0004063E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DFE] (places VURmCornerR01 [sTAT:00040638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DFC] (places VURmMidR01 [sTAT:00040639] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DF4] (places VRmWallEndCorInLR01 [sTAT:00040612] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DF3] (places VRmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:0004060C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DF2] (places VRmWallEndCorInRR01 [sTAT:00040611] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DF1] (places VRmMidR01 [sTAT:00040613] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DEE] (places VRmWallEndCorInRR01 [sTAT:00040611] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DEC] (places VURmWallExSmR01 [sTAT:00040643] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DEB] (places VURmCornerR01 [sTAT:00040638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DEA] (places VURmMidR01 [sTAT:00040639] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DE7] (places VURmCornerR01 [sTAT:00040638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14088DCA] (places CampLog01 [sTAT:0007C24B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089475] (places dlcanchgassmtank [sTAT:000F21B2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089474] (places dlcanchgassmtank [sTAT:000F21B2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:1408946A] (places ChemistryExperiment01 [sTAT:00024113] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089467] (places MicroficheMachine01 [sTAT:00034176] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089466] (places MicroficheMachine01 [sTAT:00034176] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:14089465] (places MicroficheMachine01 [sTAT:00034176] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt03s4 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:14088D89])
[00.09] REFR \ Reflected/Refracted By \ XPWR - Water \ Reference -> [1208947C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.09] [REFR:140A00F3] (places UtlDoorBg01 "Porta" [DOOR:0003D205] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of zzzUSArmyArtilleryBasement "Underground Complex" [CELL:1407E7E9])
[00.09] REFR \ XTEL - Teleport Destination \ Door -> [14014723] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] [NAVM:14077968] (for aaaUG1 "Underground Emergency Station" [CELL:14077967])
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [12093EEA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [1205B29C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #2 \ Reference -> [1205B29B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #3 \ Reference -> [1205B28B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] [NAVM:14078FB6] (for aaaUG9 "PROJECT PRIME" [CELL:14078FB5])
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1202D0D0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [1202D0CC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.10] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #2 \ Reference -> [1202CDDF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.11] [REFR:1401454E] (places NVInvisibleDoor "Porta" [DOOR:00173889] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of LAMetro03 "Boardwalk Metro Station" [CELL:14013F6B])
[00.11] REFR \ XTEL - Teleport Destination \ Door -> [14012CE1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.11] NellisTeddyBear2Ref [REFR:00108F36] (in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaHangar1944 "Hangar" [CELL:00108CBA])
[00.11] REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID
[00.14] Redoubt055Va "Redoubt 055Va" [CELL:1408AF5F]
[00.14] CELL \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1208F918] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A]
[00.15] CELL \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> Found a REFR reference, expected: ACHR,CREA,FACT,NPC_
[00.15] [ACHR:14078F9E] (places [1204D5A7] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D5A7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [ACHR:14078F9F] (places [1204D5A5] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D5A5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [ACHR:14078FA0] (places [1204D5A3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D5A3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [ACHR:14078FA1] (places [1204D5A1] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D5A1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078E87] (places [1204D497] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D497] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078EC5] (places [1204A13C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204A13C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078EDC] (places [12034528] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12034528] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078EEA] (places [1204D49C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D49C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F41] (places [REFR:140456ED] (places SandbagStraight [sTAT:000213F2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:1401099E] (in BlackMesa "U.S.S.R. Military Base "SOKOW"" [WRLD:14044DA0] at 3,3)) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] [REFR:14078F42] (places [1204D504] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D504] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F43] (places [1204CC2C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204CC2C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F49] (places [1201F396] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201F396] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F4D] (places [1204D511] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D511] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F4F] (places [12011A1D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12011A1D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F76] (places [1204D552] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D552] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F88] (places [1204A90E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204A90E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14078F9D] (places [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [NAVM:14078E0B] (for aaaUG8 "Mini-Vault Home" [CELL:14078E0A])
[00.15] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1204D491] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:1407929B] (places [12089EEE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG10 "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:14079288])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089EEE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:140794D2] (places [12089EEE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG10 "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:14079288])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089EEE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [REFR:14079523] (places [12089EEE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG10 "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:14079288])
[00.15] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089EEE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [NAVM:14079289] (for aaaUG10 "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:14079288])
[00.15] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1208AC52] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A]
[00.15] CELL \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> Found a REFR reference, expected: ACHR,CREA,FACT,NPC_
[00.15] [ACRE:14078C2F] (places [REFR:1404F7BF] (places NVDLC03MunitionShell [sTAT:0500AC42] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:1404EA9C] (in zzzNationalCouncil "Global Diplomatic Complex, New Old Yotk." [WRLD:1404E422] at 1,0)) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A])
[00.15] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.15] [ACHR:14078C30] (places [12053630] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12053630] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [ACHR:14078C31] (places [12053631] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12053631] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [ACHR:14078C32] (places [12053628] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A])
[00.15] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12053628] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [ACRE:14078C35] (places [12053664] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A])
[00.15] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12053664] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] [NAVM:14078B3B] (for aaaUG6 "Power Station A Reactor" [CELL:14078B3A])
[00.15] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1209BF8D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.15] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [1209C43A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.16] [NAVM:14084C70] (for aaaUG21 "Infested NCR Bunker" [CELL:14084C6F])
[00.16] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1200F366] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.16] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [1200F32B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [ACHR:1407851F] (places [12055CE1] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12055CE1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [ACHR:14078520] (places [12051BD0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12051BD0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [ACHR:14078521] (places [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [ACHR:14078522] (places [12051BCC] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12051BCC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078523] (places [12051BCA] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051BCA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [ACHR:14078524] (places [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078382] (places Ashtray "Portacenere" [MISC:00034057] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078383] (places CigarettePack "Pacchetto di sigarette" [MISC:00034069] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078384] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078385] (places DinnerPlate01 "Piatto" [MISC:0005B59F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078386] (places SSBottleFull "Sunset Sarsaparilla" [ALCH:00103B1E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078387] (places NVGeckoSteak "Bistecca di geco" [ALCH:000E2F65] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078388] (places NukaCola "Nuka Cola" [ALCH:0001519E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078389] (places WeapBaseballBat "Mazza da baseball" [WEAP:0000421C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407838A] (places WeapBBGun "Fucile ad aria compressa" [WEAP:00004323] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407838B] (places WeapCattleProd "Pungolo per il bestiame" [WEAP:0013316D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407838C] (places WeapHuntingRifle "Fucile da caccia" [WEAP:00004333] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407838D] (places WeapKnifeCombat "Coltello da combattimento" [WEAP:00004326] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407838E] (places WeapNVDetonator "Detonatore" [WEAP:00130041] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407838F] (places WeapNVHatchet "Accetta" [WEAP:0011A8E4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078390] (places WeapNVCaravanShotgun "Fucile Caravan" [WEAP:000CD53A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078391] (places WeapNVCowboyRepeater "Arma a ripetizione cowboy" [WEAP:0008F21A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078392] (places WeapNVMachete "Machete" [WEAP:000CE569] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078393] (places WeapSniperRifle "Fucile da cecchino" [WEAP:00004353] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078394] (places LootAmmoBoxEmpty "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000CD3CC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078395] (places LootAmmoBoxEmpty "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000CD3CC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078396] (places LootAmmoBoxEmpty "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000CD3CC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078397] (places LootAmmoBox9mm "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000E7660] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078398] (places LootAmmoBoxEmpty "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000CD3CC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078399] (places LootAmmoBoxAlienPowerCells "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000645CF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407839A] (places [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783C8] (places LockerVault01Empty "Armadietto" [CONT:00026158] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783C9] (places LockerVault01Empty "Armadietto" [CONT:00026158] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783CA] (places LockerVault01Empty "Armadietto" [CONT:00026158] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783CB] (places DeskOfficeCornerMetal "Scrivania" [CONT:0003AEFB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783D0] (places Ashtray "Portacenere" [MISC:00034057] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783D1] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Bidone della spazzatura" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783D6] (places RefrigeratorWithFood "Frigorifero" [CONT:0001D90D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783D9] (places RefrigeratorWithFood "Frigorifero" [CONT:0001D90D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783DA] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Bidone della spazzatura" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783DB] (places [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783DC] (places [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783EA] (places [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12034492] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783ED] (places HotelDesk01 "Scrivania" [CONT:0008B5D8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783F2] (places [REFR:14034508] (places ArcadeCenterLongBrick [sTAT:001122F4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAMetro01 "Boardwalk Metro Station" [CELL:14033746]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] [REFR:140783F4] (places HotelWardrobe01Empty "Guardaroba" [CONT:0008B5D7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783F6] (places Footlocker01Empty "Armadietto" [CONT:0009874E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783F7] (places Footlocker01Empty "Armadietto" [CONT:0009874E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140783F8] (places Footlocker01Empty "Armadietto" [CONT:0009874E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078409] (places [12034528] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12034528] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078417] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Bidone della spazzatura" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078432] (places WeapNVAssaultCarbine "Carabina d'assalto" [WEAP:0008F21E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078433] (places WeapNVAssaultCarbine "Carabina d'assalto" [WEAP:0008F21E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078434] (places WeapNVHuntingShotgun "Fucile da caccia" [WEAP:0008ED0B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078435] (places WeapNVHuntingShotgun "Fucile da caccia" [WEAP:0008ED0B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078436] (places WeapNVMarksmanCarbine "Tiratore scelto carabina" [WEAP:00106FEA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078437] (places WeapNVLeverActionShotgun "Fucile a leva" [WEAP:0008ED0C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078438] (places WeapNVLeverActionShotgun "Fucile a leva" [WEAP:0008ED0C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078439] (places WeapNVServiceRifle "Fucile di ordinanza" [WEAP:000E9C3B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407843A] (places WeapNVMultiPlasRifle "Fucile Multiplas" [WEAP:00121168] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407843B] (places WeapNVRiotShotgun "Fucile antisommossa" [WEAP:0008ED0A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407843C] (places WeapNVTrailCarbine "Carabina a ripetizione" [WEAP:000CD539] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407843D] (places WeapNVBrushGun "Pistola da boscaglia" [WEAP:00121148] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407843E] (places WeapNVLaserRCW "Laser RCW" [WEAP:0009073B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407843F] (places WeapPlasmaRifle "Fucile al plasma" [WEAP:00004344] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078440] (places WeapThermicLance "Lancia termica" [WEAP:0015C881] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078441] (places WeapNVRechargerRifle "Fucile auto-ricaricante" [WEAP:00121154] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078442] (places WeapLaserRifle "Fucile laser" [WEAP:00004336] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078443] (places WeapNVTriBeamLaserRifle "Fucile laser a tr. raggio" [WEAP:000E2BF4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078444] (places WeapPlasmaPistol "Pistola al plasma" [WEAP:00004343] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078445] (places WeapNVThatGun "Quella pistola" [WEAP:00133058] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078446] (places WeapNVSilenced22Pistol "Pistola silenziata da .22" [WEAP:000E377A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078447] (places WeapNVRechargerPistol "Ricaricatore pistola" [WEAP:0009071F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078448] (places WeapNV9mmSubmachineGun "Mitragliatrice 9mm" [WEAP:0008F217] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078449] (places WeapNV127mmSubmachineGun "Mitragliatrice da 12.7mm" [WEAP:001429D1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407844A] (places Weap10mmSubmachineGun "Mitragliatrice da 10mm" [WEAP:00004321] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407844B] (places Weap10mmPistol "Pistola da 10mm" [WEAP:0000434F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407844C] (places WeapLaserPistol "Pistola laser" [WEAP:00004335] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407844D] (places WeapNV127mmPistol "Pistola 12.7mm" [WEAP:0008F213] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407844E] (places WeapNV357Revolver "Revolver magnum .357" [WEAP:0008F216] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407844F] (places WeapNV44Revolver "Revolver magnum .44" [WEAP:0008F215] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078450] (places WeapNVPlasmaDefender "Difensore al plasma" [WEAP:00090727] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078451] (places WeapNV9mmPistol "Pistola da 9mm" [WEAP:000E3778] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078452] (places WeapMissileLauncher "Lanciamissili" [WEAP:00004340] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078453] (places WeapNVLightMachineGun "Mitragliatrice leggera" [WEAP:000906DF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078456] (places [1204D981] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D981] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078457] (places [1204D981] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D981] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078458] (places [12000C2A] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12000C2A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078459] (places [REFR:14017390] (places WarExtBgDockWallWin01 [sTAT:000C3255] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AlehandroPumpingStation [CELL:14013BC4] (in BlackMesa "U.S.S.R. Military Base "SOKOW"" [WRLD:14044DA0] at 5,2)) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407845A] (places [1201BB08] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201BB08] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407845B] (places LootAmmoBox25mmGrenade "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000E7665] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407845C] (places [1203DBE2] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1203DBE2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407845D] (places [1204B0B6] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204B0B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407845E] (places [1205019F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205019F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407845F] (places [1204B0B6] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204B0B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078460] (places [12006695] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12006695] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078461] (places [1204D98B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D98B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078462] (places [1204D986] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D986] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078463] (places [120517F9] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120517F9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078464] (places [1204D989] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204D989] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078465] (places [120379F5] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120379F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078466] (places [12051800] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051800] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078467] (places [REFR:14003DE1] (places ShackPaperDebris02 [sTAT:0002013B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ZZZMoschovichBar "Moschovich Bar" [CELL:14003D00]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078468] (places [REFR:14003DE2] (places ShackPaperDebris04 [sTAT:00020139] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ZZZMoschovichBar "Moschovich Bar" [CELL:14003D00]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078469] (places [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407846A] (places [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407846B] (places [1204B0BB] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204B0BB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407846C] (places [1201B7BE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7BE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407846D] (places [1201B7BE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7BE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407846E] (places [1201B7BE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7BE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407846F] (places [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078470] (places [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078471] (places [1201B7C5] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7C5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078472] (places [1205180D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205180D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078473] (places [1205180E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205180E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078474] (places [12051812] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051812] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078475] (places [12051813] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051813] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078476] (places [REFR:14015A5F] (places SurgicalCartR01 [sTAT:00042652] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzBank1 "CCCP Bank Deposit" [CELL:14015A39]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078477] (places [12051817] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051817] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078478] (places [12051818] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051818] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078479] (places [120183DC] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120183DC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407847C] (places LootGrenadeFrag "Cassa di granate" [CONT:0003A5AD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407847D] (places [1205181F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205181F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407847E] (places LootGrenadePlasma "Cassa di granate" [CONT:0003A5AF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407847F] (places LootGrenadePulse "Cassa di granate" [CONT:0003A5B0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078480] (places LootMineFragLOCK "Scatola di mine" [CONT:000CBDF2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078481] (places LootMinePlasma "Scatola di mine" [CONT:0003A5B3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078482] (places LootMinePulse "Scatola di mine" [CONT:0003A5B4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078483] (places LootGrenadeFrag "Cassa di granate" [CONT:0003A5AD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078484] (places WeapSuperSledge "Super martello" [WEAP:00004352] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078485] (places WeapNVChainsaw "Sega elettrica" [WEAP:0015FE44] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078487] (places WeapNVAntiMaterielRifle "Fucile antimateria" [WEAP:0008F21C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078488] (places WeapFatman "Fat Man" [WEAP:0000432C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078489] (places WeapNVSilenced22SMG ".22 SMG silenziata" [WEAP:0008F218] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407848A] (places WeapShotgunSawedOff "Fucile a canne mozze" [WEAP:0000434C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407848B] (places WeapNVHuntingRevolver "Revolver da caccia" [WEAP:0008F214] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407848C] (places WeapNVGrenadeRifle "Lanciagranate" [WEAP:000FF576] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407848D] (places WeapNVGrenadeLauncher "Grenade Launcher" [WEAP:0007EA25] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407848E] (places [12051B14] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051B14] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407848F] (places [12051B16] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051B16] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078491] (places [REFR:14006DDB] (places HotelChairStatic [sTAT:0008B5DA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of zzzRadioINT "Volkstok Radio Building" [CELL:14061077]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078492] (places WeapNVAssaultCarbine "Carabina d'assalto" [WEAP:0008F21E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078493] (places WeapNVAssaultCarbine "Carabina d'assalto" [WEAP:0008F21E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078494] (places WeapNVAssaultCarbine "Carabina d'assalto" [WEAP:0008F21E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078496] (places WeapNVMarksmanCarbine "Tiratore scelto carabina" [WEAP:00106FEA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078497] (places Ammo556mmArmorPiercing "5.56mm, perforazione armature" [AMMO:00140A9F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078498] (places Ammo556mmArmorPiercing "5.56mm, perforazione armature" [AMMO:00140A9F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078499] (places Ammo556mmArmorPiercing "5.56mm, perforazione armature" [AMMO:00140A9F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407849B] (places [12051B26] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12051B26] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784A3] (places Footlocker01Military "Armadietto" [CONT:000A2821] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784A4] (places CrateShippingMilitary "Cassa" [CONT:00037896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784A5] (places CrateShippingMilitary "Cassa" [CONT:00037896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784A6] (places CrateShippingFactory "Cassa" [CONT:0002FAA6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784A7] (places CrateShippingMilitary "Cassa" [CONT:00037896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784A9] (places HotelWardrobe01Empty "Guardaroba" [CONT:0008B5D7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C0] (places CrateShippingMilitary "Cassa" [CONT:00037896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C1] (places CrateShippingHospital "Cassa" [CONT:00037895] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C2] (places CrateShippingMilitary "Cassa" [CONT:00037896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C3] (places CrateShippingMilitary "Cassa" [CONT:00037896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C4] (places WonderGlue "Colla prodigiosa" [MISC:0002210A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C5] (places WonderGlue "Colla prodigiosa" [MISC:0002210A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C6] (places WonderGlue "Colla prodigiosa" [MISC:0002210A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C7] (places WonderGlue "Colla prodigiosa" [MISC:0002210A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C8] (places WonderGlue "Colla prodigiosa" [MISC:0002210A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784C9] (places WonderGlue "Colla prodigiosa" [MISC:0002210A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784CA] (places Turpentine "Trementina" [MISC:00022105] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784CB] (places Turpentine "Trementina" [MISC:00022105] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784CC] (places Turpentine "Trementina" [MISC:00022105] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784CD] (places Turpentine "Trementina" [MISC:00022105] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784CE] (places Turpentine "Trementina" [MISC:00022105] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784CF] (places ScrapElectronics "Rottami elettronici" [MISC:0013B2B1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D0] (places Primer50MG "Innesco per .50 MG" [MISC:00140AAC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D1] (places PrimerLargePistol "Innesco per pistola grande" [MISC:00140AAA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D2] (places PrimerLargeRifle "Innesco per fucile grande" [MISC:00140AAB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D4] (places DuctTape "Nastro adesivo" [MISC:0013B2B2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D5] (places DuctTape "Nastro adesivo" [MISC:0013B2B2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D6] (places Conductor "Conduttore" [MISC:00022102] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D7] (places Conductor "Conduttore" [MISC:00022102] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D8] (places AbraxoCleaner "Detergente Abraxo" [MISC:00022106] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784D9] (places AbraxoCleaner "Detergente Abraxo" [MISC:00022106] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784DA] (places AbraxoCleaner "Detergente Abraxo" [MISC:00022106] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784DB] (places AbraxoCleaner "Detergente Abraxo" [MISC:00022106] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784DC] (places AbraxoCleaner "Detergente Abraxo" [MISC:00022106] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784DD] (places VLootExplosivesNVCrateXXXTier4Workshop "Cassa di esplosivi" [CONT:001679BF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784DE] (places VLootExplosivesNVCrateXXXTier4Workshop "Cassa di esplosivi" [CONT:001679BF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784DF] (places Footlocker01MilitaryNV "Armadietto" [CONT:000E7667] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E0] (places CigaretteCarton "Pacco di sigarette" [MISC:00034068] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E1] (places CigaretteCarton "Pacco di sigarette" [MISC:00034068] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E2] (places CigaretteCarton "Pacco di sigarette" [MISC:00034068] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E3] (places CigarettePack "Pacchetto di sigarette" [MISC:00034069] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E5] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E6] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E7] (places BoxPrimersSmallRifle "Scatola di inneschi per fucile piccolo" [MISC:00166659] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E8] (places BoxPrimersSmallPistol "Scatola di inneschi per pistola piccola" [MISC:0016665B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784E9] (places BoxPrimersShotshell "Primer Box, Shotshell" [MISC:00173F7E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784EA] (places BoxPrimersLargeRifle "Scatola di inneschi per fucile grande" [MISC:00166657] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784EB] (places BoxPrimersLargePistol "Scatola di inneschi per pistola grande" [MISC:00166658] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784EC] (places BurnedBook01 "Piccolo libro carbonizzato" [MISC:000A9E70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784ED] (places BurnedBook03 "Piccolo libro bruciacchiato" [MISC:000A9E6A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784EE] (places BurnedBook04 "Piccolo libro distrutto" [MISC:000A9E6B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784EF] (places BookGeneric02b "Libro prebellico" [MISC:000FC9C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F0] (places BookGeneric03b "Libro prebellico" [MISC:000FC9BA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F1] (places BookGeneric05b "Libro prebellico" [MISC:000FC9BC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F2] (places MagazineNVGuns "Militare moderno" [ALCH:000EC4AC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F3] (places HotPlate "Piatto caldo" [MISC:0005516B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F4] (places HotPlate "Piatto caldo" [MISC:0005516B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F5] (places MotorcycleHandbrake "Leva freno motocicletta" [MISC:000220FE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F7] (places ToolboxContainer "Scatola degli attrezzi" [CONT:0004525D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F8] (places Wrench01 "Chiave inglese" [MISC:0005B6D0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784F9] (places Hammer01 "Martello" [MISC:0005B637] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784FA] (places LootAmmoBox10mm "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:0002FE7D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784FB] (places LootAmmoBoxEmpty "Scatola di munizioni" [CONT:000CD3CC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784FC] (places Ammo10mm "Munizioni da 10mm" [AMMO:00004241] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BBD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784FD] (places GlassPitcher01 "Caraffa di vetro" [MISC:0005B636] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784FE] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:140784FF] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078500] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078501] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078502] (places DrinkingGlass02 "Bicchiere" [MISC:0005B633] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078503] (places DuctTape "Nastro adesivo" [MISC:0013B2B2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078504] (places CoffeeKettle "Caffettiera" [MISC:00025421] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078506] (places CoffeeMug01 "Tazza da caffè" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078507] (places CoffeeMug01 "Tazza da caffè" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078508] (places CoffeeMug01 "Tazza da caffè" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078509] (places CoffeeMug01 "Tazza da caffè" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407850A] (places CoffeeMug01 "Tazza da caffè" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407850B] (places Plate02 "Piatto rosso" [MISC:0005B63E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407850C] (places Plate02 "Piatto rosso" [MISC:0005B63E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407850D] (places Plate02 "Piatto rosso" [MISC:0005B63E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407850E] (places Plate03 "Piatto verde" [MISC:0005B63F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407850F] (places Plate03 "Piatto verde" [MISC:0005B63F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078510] (places Plate03 "Piatto verde" [MISC:0005B63F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078511] (places PilotLight "Luce pilota" [MISC:000220FC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078513] (places Flour "Farina" [MISC:00074EE1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078514] (places Flour "Farina" [MISC:00074EE1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078515] (places Flour "Farina" [MISC:00074EE1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078516] (places Yeast "Lievito" [MISC:0016163C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078517] (places JunkFood "Cibo spazzatura" [ALCH:0003359C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078518] (places JunkFood "Cibo spazzatura" [ALCH:0003359C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:14078519] (places FancyLadsSnackCakes "Spuntini Fancy Lads" [ALCH:0008C55A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407851A] (places Cram "Cram" [ALCH:0008C552] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407851B] (places Absinthe "Assenzio" [ALCH:00115EB1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407851C] (places Whiskey "Whiskey" [ALCH:00032C75] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407851D] (places Ashtray "Portacenere" [MISC:00034057] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [REFR:1407851E] (places Ashtray "Portacenere" [MISC:00034057] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [12051BCF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.17] [NAVM:14078381] (for aaaUG4 "Underground Armory" [CELL:14078380])
[00.17] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [12051787] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.18] [REFR:14064AA3] (places NVInvisibleDoor "Porta" [DOOR:00173889] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of NCRRebelFortress "NCR Rebel Fortress" [CELL:140642AE])
[00.18] REFR \ XTEL - Teleport Destination \ Door -> [1407C78F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37]
[00.19] CELL \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> Found a REFR reference, expected: ACHR,CREA,FACT,NPC_
[00.19] [ACRE:14078DC9] (places [REFR:1404F7C0] (places NVDLC03MunitionShell [sTAT:0500AC42] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:1404EA9C] (in zzzNationalCouncil "Global Diplomatic Complex, New Old Yotk." [WRLD:1404E422] at 1,0)) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: CREA
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DD7] (places [1204C211] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204C211] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DDB] (places [1204C207] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204C207] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078DDF] (places [120AA969] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120AA969] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE0] (places [REFR:1404BF16] (places Plate01 "Piatto bianco" [MISC:0005B63D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE1] (places [REFR:1404BF15] (places Plate01 "Piatto bianco" [MISC:0005B63D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE2] (places [REFR:1404BF14] (places EnclaveChair01R "Sedia" [FURN:000872D8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE3] (places [REFR:1404BF13] (places MS05NukaColaQtm "Nuka Cola Quantum" [ALCH:000284F9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE4] (places [REFR:1404BF12] (places Cram "Cram" [ALCH:0008C552] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE5] (places [REFR:1404BF11] (places EnclaveTable01 [sTAT:000872DF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE6] (places [REFR:1404BF10] (places EnclaveChair01L "Sedia" [FURN:000872D7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE7] (places [REFR:1404BF0F] (places Plate01 "Piatto bianco" [MISC:0005B63D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE8] (places [REFR:1404BF0E] (places Plate01 "Piatto bianco" [MISC:0005B63D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DE9] (places [REFR:1404BF0D] (places Plate01 "Piatto bianco" [MISC:0005B63D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DF8] (places [REFR:1404BEEF] (places EnclaveChair01R "Sedia" [FURN:000872D8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DF9] (places [REFR:1404BEF0] (places BLD06Corner01Rd [sTAT:00046311] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:14022117] (in AtlantaCityCentral "Atlanta City Central" [WRLD:140220EC] at 1,0)) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DFA] (places [REFR:1404BEEE] (places EnclaveChair01L "Sedia" [FURN:000872D7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LAFlakTowerBarracks "Tower Bunker" [CELL:1404B11E]) in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> Found a REFR reference, expected: NPC_
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DFC] (places [1204BEC9] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BEC9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DFD] (places [1204BECA] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BECA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078DFE] (places [1204BAF2] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAF2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:14078DFF] (places [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:14078E00] (places [1204BEC3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BEC3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078E03] (places Chair02F "Sedia" [FURN:000157DC] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078E07] (places [1204BAAA] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAAA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078CDD] (places [1204B780] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204B780] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078CF6] (places [120391BB] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120391BB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078CFE] (places [1204BA92] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BA92] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D00] (places [1204BA9D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BA9D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D02] (places [1204BAA4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAA4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D03] (places [1204BAAB] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAAB] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D04] (places [1204BAAF] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAAF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D2D] (places RefrigeratorWithLiquor "Frigorifero" [CONT:000A2825] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D2E] (places RefrigeratorWithLiquor "Frigorifero" [CONT:000A2825] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D31] (places [1204BAF3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAF3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D34] (places [12000BD0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12000BD0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D38] (places WaterPurified "Acqua purificata" [ALCH:000151A3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D39] (places WaterPurified "Acqua purificata" [ALCH:000151A3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D3A] (places WaterPurified "Acqua purificata" [ALCH:000151A3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D3B] (places WaterPurified "Acqua purificata" [ALCH:000151A3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D3C] (places WaterPurified "Acqua purificata" [ALCH:000151A3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D3D] (places NukaCola "Nuka Cola" [ALCH:0001519E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D3E] (places NukaCola "Nuka Cola" [ALCH:0001519E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D3F] (places NukaCola "Nuka Cola" [ALCH:0001519E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D40] (places NVNukaColaQuartz "Quarzo Nuka-Cola" [ALCH:000E2F6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D41] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D42] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D43] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D44] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D45] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D46] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D47] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D48] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D49] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D4A] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D4B] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D4C] (places Beer "Birra" [ALCH:00015197] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D4D] (places Whiskey "Whiskey" [ALCH:00032C75] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D4E] (places Whiskey "Whiskey" [ALCH:00032C75] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D4F] (places Whiskey "Whiskey" [ALCH:00032C75] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D50] (places Whiskey "Whiskey" [ALCH:00032C75] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D51] (places Wine "Vino per il banchetto" [ALCH:0003404A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D52] (places Wine "Vino per il banchetto" [ALCH:0003404A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D53] (places Wine "Vino per il banchetto" [ALCH:0003404A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D54] (places Wine "Vino per il banchetto" [ALCH:0003404A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D55] (places Scotch "Scotch" [ALCH:000151A1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D56] (places Scotch "Scotch" [ALCH:000151A1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D57] (places Scotch "Scotch" [ALCH:000151A1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D58] (places Scotch "Scotch" [ALCH:000151A1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D59] (places Scotch "Scotch" [ALCH:000151A1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D5A] (places Vodka "Vodka" [ALCH:00032C74] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D5B] (places Vodka "Vodka" [ALCH:00032C74] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D5C] (places Vodka "Vodka" [ALCH:00032C74] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D5E] (places Vodka "Vodka" [ALCH:00032C74] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D5F] (places Moonshine "Moonshine" [ALCH:0016163D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D60] (places Moonshine "Moonshine" [ALCH:0016163D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D61] (places Moonshine "Moonshine" [ALCH:0016163D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D62] (places Absinthe "Assenzio" [ALCH:00115EB1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D63] (places Absinthe "Assenzio" [ALCH:00115EB1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D64] (places NVAtomicCocktail "Cocktail atomico" [ALCH:000E2F6A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D65] (places NVAtomicCocktail "Cocktail atomico" [ALCH:000E2F6A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14078D66] (places NVAtomicCocktail "Cocktail atomico" [ALCH:000E2F6A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] REFR \ Ownership \ XOWN - Owner -> [1204BEC6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [NAVM:14078C38] (for aaaUG7 "Residential Sector" [CELL:14078C37])
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [12050817] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #2 \ Reference -> [1204E4F6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #4 \ Reference -> [1204D5A9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #5 \ Reference -> [1204CC61] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #6 \ Reference -> [1204CC60] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #7 \ Reference -> [1204CC5D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #8 \ Reference -> [1204CC5C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #9 \ Reference -> [1204CBE5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #10 \ Reference -> [1204C84B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #11 \ Reference -> [1204C849] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #13 \ Reference -> [1204BB4D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:14070AB9] (places OffDoorHotelBlankSmL01 "Porta" [DOOR:000B3E4D] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of zzzzzGasStatiobLEgion "Refuel Station" [CELL:14070A55])
[00.19] REFR \ XTEL - Teleport Destination \ Door -> [14070A54] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:1407B30F] (places [1208AC6B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1208AC6B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [ACHR:1407B317] (places [1208AC5F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1208AC5F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407B324] (places [12087BC4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12087BC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407AE45] (places [1208F8AA] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208F8AA] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407AE46] (places [1208F8A6] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208F8A6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407AEFC] (places [1208A923] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208A923] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407AF79] (places [1203E55E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1203E55E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407AF8A] (places [REFR:140478F8] (places BlueNeonI [sTAT:090013CD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:14048CB7] (in Luna "Shadow Face, The Moon." [WRLD:14061086] at -1,0)) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] [REFR:1407B013] (places [1209102B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1209102B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407B06B] (places [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.19] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12047133] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.19] [REFR:1407B0AC] (places [REFR:140407A7] (places PotBig [MSTT:00078CE8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault101ReactorMS16COPY0000 "Vault 101 Sub-Level" [CELL:140406FD]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] [REFR:1407B0C5] (places [12089AFE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089AFE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B106] (places [12089E14] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089E14] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B124] (places [1200896C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1200896C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B139] (places [12089A7D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089A7D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B15A] (places [1204BAAC] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1204BAAC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B166] (places [12089A7A] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089A7A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B171] (places [120762F5] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120762F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B1A5] (places [12089A08] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089A08] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B1DA] (places [12088255] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12088255] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B1E4] (places [120899BC] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120899BC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B1F7] (places [120899A5] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120899A5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B210] (places [1208F503] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208F503] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B211] (places [1208F503] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208F503] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B212] (places [1208F503] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208F503] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B2A6] (places [12074CD3] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12074CD3] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407B301] (places [12087C2E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12087C2E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [NAVM:1407AE0D] (for aaaUG12 "Redoubt 04RR8" [CELL:1407AE0C])
[00.20] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1208A931] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [12089901] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADF5] (places [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADF6] (places [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADF7] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADF8] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADF9] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADFA] (places [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADFB] (places [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADFC] (places [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADFD] (places [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12089482] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [ACRE:1407ADFE] (places [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [12034128] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407AE0A] (places [12087BC4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12087BC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407AB6F] (places [12089472] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089472] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407ABA2] (places [12089431] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089431] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407ABBC] (places [12089412] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089412] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407AC8A] (places [1208906B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208906B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.20] [REFR:1407AC8B] (places [12089069] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.20] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089069] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407ACDA] (places [12089455] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12089455] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407AD82] (places [1208942D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208942D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407AD85] (places [1208944D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1208944D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407ADEF] (places [12087C2E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12087C2E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [NAVM:1407AB66] (for aaaUG11 "Redoubt 03S4" [CELL:1407AB65])
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [12088D8B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:14078AA3] (places [1205CEF2] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CEF2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AA4] (places [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AA5] (places [12058819] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [12058819] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AA6] (places [1205881B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205881B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AA7] (places [1205881C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205881C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AA8] (places [1205881D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205881D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AA9] (places [1205881E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205881E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AAA] (places [1205D233] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205D233] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AAB] (places [1205D232] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205D232] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AAC] (places [1205D238] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205D238] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AAD] (places [1205D231] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205D231] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AAE] (places [1205D230] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205D230] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AAF] (places [1205CF52] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF52] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB0] (places [1205CF51] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF51] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB1] (places [1205CF50] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF50] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB2] (places [1205CF4F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF4F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB3] (places [1205CF4E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF4E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB4] (places [1205CF4D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF4D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB5] (places [1205CF4C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF4C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB6] (places [1205CF4B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF4B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACHR:14078AB7] (places [1205D241] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACHR \ NAME - Base -> [1205D241] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AB8] (places [1205CF44] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF44] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AB9] (places [1205CF44] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF44] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078ABA] (places [1205CF46] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF46] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078ABB] (places [1205CF46] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF46] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078ABC] (places [1205CF3F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078ABD] (places [1205CF3F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078ABE] (places [1205CF3F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078ABF] (places [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AC0] (places [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AC1] (places [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205CF3B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AE7] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AE8] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AE9] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AEA] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AEB] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AEC] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AED] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078AEE] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B09] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B0A] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B0B] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B0C] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B14] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B15] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B16] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [ACRE:14078B17] (places [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] ACRE \ NAME - Base -> [1205B29D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407875B] (places [1205BC4C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205BC4C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407875C] (places [1205BC4D] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205BC4D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407875D] (places [1205BC4C] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205BC4C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407875E] (places [1205BC62] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205BC62] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407875F] (places [1205BC64] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205BC64] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407876B] (places [REFR:140407A7] (places PotBig [MSTT:00078CE8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault101ReactorMS16COPY0000 "Vault 101 Sub-Level" [CELL:140406FD]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] [REFR:1407878F] (places [1202782E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1202782E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:14078790] (places [1202782E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1202782E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140787B3] (places [REFR:140407A7] (places PotBig [MSTT:00078CE8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault101ReactorMS16COPY0000 "Vault 101 Sub-Level" [CELL:140406FD]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] [REFR:140788AD] (places [1205019F] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205019F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788B9] (places [120517FF] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120517FF] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788BA] (places [12055166] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12055166] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788BB] (places [12000C2A] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [12000C2A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788CB] (places [1205BFA7] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205BFA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788D0] (places [1203DBCE] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1203DBCE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788D3] (places [120445F6] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [120445F6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788D4] (places [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1201B7C0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:140788D6] (places [REFR:140456ED] (places SandbagStraight [sTAT:000213F2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:1401099E] (in BlackMesa "U.S.S.R. Military Base "SOKOW"" [WRLD:14044DA0] at 3,3)) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] [REFR:140788D8] (places [REFR:14056F37] (places DLCAnchMetalBayMidBot01 [sTAT:0C00C444] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC02ArtilleryBaseCOPY0000 "Chinese Artillery Outpost" [CELL:1405686E]) in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] [REFR:14078958] (places [1205180E] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205180E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:1407899F] (places [1205C370] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205C370] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [REFR:14078A28] (places [1205C416] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1205C416] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [NAVM:1407853C] (for aaaUG5 "Underground Military Headquarters" [CELL:1407853B])
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [12093EE9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #1 \ Reference -> [12093EE8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #2 \ Reference -> [12093EE7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #3 \ Reference -> Found a NAVM reference, expected: REFR
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #4 \ Reference -> Found a NAVM reference, expected: REFR
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #5 \ Reference -> Found a NAVM reference, expected: REFR
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #6 \ Reference -> [1205CEBE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #7 \ Reference -> [1205BDAC] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.21] [NAVM:14084E04] (for aaaUG22 "U.S. Army Military Bunker" [CELL:14084E03])
[00.21] NAVM \ NVDP - Doors \ Door #0 \ Reference -> [1203A9A7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.27] [REFR:1404C8C0] (places zzzPlaneDoor "Cockpit" [DOOR:1404C8BF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:1404810B] (in STerlingCItyMainWorld "New Volkstok" [WRLD:1404810A]) at 20,-29)
[00.27] REFR \ XTEL - Teleport Destination \ Door -> [1404C8C2] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.28] [REFR:1405D169] (places UtlDoor01 "Porta" [DOOR:0003940E] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14050CDD] (in zzzNationalCouncil "Global Diplomatic Complex, New Old Yotk." [WRLD:1404E422]) at 1,2)
[00.28] REFR \ XTEL - Teleport Destination \ Door -> [1405D16E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00.36] All Done!
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Best case scenario the first two digits of the hex ID's are wrong and updating them to the correct ID's will fix most of them. The 12XXXXXX and 14XXXXXX likely were changed from what they should be and broke their references. You'll need to manually change their ID's in FNVedit to correct them and make sure if they depend on another mod that that mod is listed as a master file so it can correctly call them for reference.

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What is important is the load sequence of the masters of the mod you are working on at the time. Remember that FNVEdit/xEdit has it's own rules for loading mods, so sometimes it doesn't exactly match your game "load order"; especially when you only load the minimal required mod and masters.


According to the TES5Edit Support Forum: "All plugins from the Data folder are sorted into 2 groups by extension (and extension only, ESM flag in plugin's header doesn't matter): *.ESM and *.ESP, then each group is sorted by plugin's file timestamp. Then xEdit loads all ESM, then all ESPs. The order of masters in plugins doesn't affect anything." This suggests that whenever possible, you should move any "false ESM flagged" ESP files to the bottom of the list of ESM files in your load order if you want xEdit to match your game "load order" when it loads or sorts a plugin's master files.

See also 'TIP: Master files' and 'Issue: Regional (non English) version has different FormIDs' in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.



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