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At a loss with companion mod


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Hi all!


I'm fairly new to modding, I'll admit. But for a long while I've been casually making mods for my game, one of which is a simple companion. The problem is - and I know what you're going to jump to - he won't talk to me in-game. Just a simple "hello," no dialogue options. I have the voice set to one of the compatible voices already, so that's not the problem... I even tried switching it to EvenToned just to be sure, but nothing changed.


I'm pretty much at my wit's end. Would anyone mind taking a look at it really quick? If there's something I missed, I'd love to know what it is. The NPC in question's name is "Sahak". He is placed in the Bannered Mare.


Here's the file:



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Well it looks good in the CK for the most part, all the correct factions are there, but the relationship needs to be friend or lover. ally is neutral towards the player when it comes to how they like you and is used for assistance. and how they like you affects the dialogue.


So simply up the relationship to friend and you should get the dialogue.


A suggestion If I may since he lives in the inn... give him the inn faction so if you marry him and get the lovers comfort bug you can can rent a room at the inn to fix it. Also add a defaultsandboxeditorlocation1024 ai pack so he will sandbox in the inn.


*edit, Forgot to mention, he may not have the dialogue right away when you up the relationship. Don't worry thats because that is in your save game overriding the mod. simply select him in the console and type "resurrect" without quotes, no killing him, and no 1 on the end of the command. That will reset him to the mod status overriding the save.

Edited by jet4571
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