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Mannequins are alive!!!


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I am working on a Mod for a Player Home. It is 99% complete, just a bit of Navmesh to finalise and some NPC AI to smooth out.


However, for no apparent reason all the Mannequins have decided they are alive, they are all wearing identical armour and tghey are moving and watching me as I walk around the room.


Does anyone have any idea what has happened?

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OK I deleted the Mannequins and putthem back in again. They are working OK everywhere else in the game, they are OK in the Breezhome mod I am using and they are OK in Proudspire. It's just in the Interior Cell I am working on. They were OK and seemed to change between one save and the next and I never did anything to that cell.


I know abou tthe moving around bug I have seen that nefore it's the Idle Animations that are getting to me. they put hteir hands on their hips, fold their arms etc.

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So basically, your attempt of creating a player house accidentally created a haunted house? :woot:

A little quest and a mannequin companion would be nice :dance:

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All is well now, the only problems I have are sorting out the AI for the Cook and the Housekeeper, they just sit around eating alll day after working for a short while.

Plus the guard who patrols the village street suddenly decides to take a shortcut through a building every now and then even though there is no Navmesh where he is trying to walk.

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