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Mod removing the message "Sell "..." for "...&quot


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Hello ! Sorry if my message is a bit wrong, I'm french.... ^^;


Is there a way to remove or change this annoying message I get whenever I want to sell something, asking me if I'm sure I want to sell this item for this price... My character is an alchemist, and it's pretty tedious when I want to sell all the potions in my inventory (especially when there is two potions, I have to sell one first, then the other)... Okay, I'm lazy, but it anoys me to go back and forth between the list of objects and the "Yes" of the question.


So, does anyone knows if there's a mod or something :


- removing this message

- enabling to valid the question by pressing some key like "Enter" (like in Morrowind), instead of clicking on it, (this would be great !)

- or allowing multiple objects selling


Thanks !

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