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So suddenly CK starts crashing on me, it happens when i try to add something to a new land or when im moving through a area (as in scrolling from point a to b) It seems to have started when i added new land and made my ESP the parent file.....So i have uninstalled everything and reinstalled didnt work, so i wiped my PC, it worked until i added fire to my area and now its crashing again, is it possible to have to much on one new land????? the new land is OBLIVION, so you travel my Black Marsh mod find gates go in and its all fire and burnt....and it was working fine until a worked on a new area in oblivion and added the fire....now its insta crash.....ANY IDEA's IM SOOOO CLOSE TO BEING Fully finished with with the landscaping and dungeon/oblivion area

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I've found a few mods out there toting CreationKitCustom.ini tweaks. One of things I found was this: Add the following section to your CreationKitCustom.ini file:




This apparently prevents a lot of CK crashes. HOWEVER...it will cause the CK to crash virtually every time you exit it, and you'll have to go into your Task Manager and "End Task" on it. So if you use this, be sure you save your work before you exit

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I had a similar problem to the point where I quit even trying to make mods for awhile until I found this tutorial on how to make a solid CK. It was a while ago so I forgot where I saw it or who wrote it, so all props go to this amazing genius that I wish I could credit right now. But ill list out the steps that I did.


1.) No Changes are made to the original CreationKit.ini !!!!

2.) create a new text file called CreationKitCustom.ini (may have to change the .txt to .ini keep that in mind or it will just be a text file and do nothing)

3.) paste in


4.) save this new ini right alongside the CreationKit.ini
***The reason that it is a separate ini and not included in the original is because if you ever have to update/redownload/repair files this file will remain the same and not get changed where as if you add it to the original ini this will all get overwritten.
Hope this helps
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