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Invisible armor bonuses persist when mod is uninstalled


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I'm fairly certain the issue is with the mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2026 in which rings grant the ability for shouts to have no cooldown and spells cost 0 magicka.


There is a warning saying DO NOT UNINSTALL WITHOUT REMOVING THE RINGS, yet alas my recent save file got corrupted so i'm forced to revert to a save game in which my character is bugged and spells cost zero magicka and shouts have no cooldown.


I've tried a few console commands, such as:


player.resurrect 1

commands to disable all effects


No dice, also installing the mod my character does not have the rings.


Any advice on how to get my character back to legit? Would be very appreciated!

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Word of warning, you're not supposed to bump threads. In fact, I believe there is a sticky at the top of the forum under the name "Do not bump threads!".


Anyway, try the command player.dispelallspells

If that doesn't work, I would reinstall the mod, equip and then unequip the rings to remove the enchantments from the player, and then uninstall the mod.

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Sorry about that.


The player.dispelallspells command didn't work, and when I instal the mod and try add/removing the rings there is no change.



However, when i use the player.resurrect command the spell cost functions UNTIL i reload my game.

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Hmm, player.resurrect effectively kills the player, thus removing all outstanding effects, and then revives them with only race and armour bonuses in effect.


Player.dispellallspells should remove all registered active effects that aren't armour bonuses, it sometimes strips race effects too. Did you try using the command while the mod was installed? If the mod was not installed, the command wouldn't have the ring enchantments listed as removable active effects.


Have you saved after removing the bonuses through player.resurrect? And then loaded that save? If not, try it. I see little reason why the effects should return.

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  On 7/4/2012 at 6:52 PM, Mayfly53 said:

Hmm, player.resurrect effectively kills the player, thus removing all outstanding effects, and then revives them with only race and armour bonuses in effect.


Player.dispellallspells should remove all registered active effects that aren't armour bonuses, it sometimes strips race effects too. Did you try using the command while the mod was installed? If the mod was not installed, the command wouldn't have the ring enchantments listed as removable active effects.


Have you saved after removing the bonuses through player.resurrect? And then loaded that save? If not, try it. I see little reason why the effects should return.


Yea, I use the command, and the spell cost returns to normal. However when I save and reload, the instant I reload the spell costs return to nothing. I tried the above steps with the mod installed and no dice. Also it is only for this save game, if I make a new character the spells have default costs.


edit: dispelallspells does nothing even with the mod installed

Edited by phantom yyz
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player.setav shoutrecoverymult 1 Did not fix the shout cooldown, however:

player.forceav shoutrecoverymult 1 set the cooldown back to default on shouts and is persisting so far!




player.forceav destructionmod 0 worked, along with the corresponding commands for the other magic trees. Will report back if persistent

Edited by phantom yyz
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