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Version Dependent Mods


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I didn't tell anyone to stop making version dependent mods, I just asked them to avoid it IF POSSIBLE.


The mod authors who are releasing mods dependent on a specific version of Fallout4.exe or F4SE tend to be among the most technically proficient modders in existence (e.g. Expired6978, Registrator2000). If there were a way to make the mods non-version dependent, it's a safe bet they would already be doing it (e.g. Expired's Achievements mod but not his LooksMenu mod), as they don't want to be constantly bothered about "when will this be updated for F4SE?" any more than users want to ask about it.


The whole game/F4SE update thing is a non-issue though if you take the .exe backup advice above, or let a mod like Fallout4.exe Auto-Backup do it for you:



I have the Auto-Backup mod, and I installed it the day it was released. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. I can't find the backup it is supposed to make anywhere.


Follow up. I searched again and finally found the backups. They don't have the extension .bak which is why the file search utility couldn't find them, and the folder name is a little misleading. Seems I have all the backups since the backup mod was released, nearly a dozen now. Thanks for prompting me to look harder,, and thanks for explaining the updates by Bethesda are basically useless and not something I need to worry about.

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I'm amazed at all the hate this topic has generated. English - "plea" means "sincere request" and in no way carries the sense of "demand" or "entitlement." Unless, of course, there is some new definition of the word "plea", of which I was previously unaware. I'm also amazed at the number of good mod authors who have made such comments, when, clearly, they are NOT the target. It is the dump the mod and abandon it sort that I intended as the audience, but then, they probably don't read the forums anyway.


For those who have made comments with helpful advice on backups, thanks. I also now better understand why version dependence is often unavoidable. As always, the problem centers around the way Bethesda chooses to do things, and their greed at trying to profit from the mod market.

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