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Provisioners no longer have a job/ Ghost Supply Lines.


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I was wondering if anyone around here has had this issue where provisioners are no longer assigned to supply lines and instead hangout at their home settlement with a brahmin still attached?


I had this happen yesterday after loading up a game and found I had 1 provisioner asleep in her bed, which I thought it was weird. Went into workshop mode and found she has been unassigned to supply lines yet I still had a supply line attached to my other settlement.


I know a Fix for this and Thankfully I only lost 8 minutes into the save as I had a Previous one that didn't have this issue.


I for the life of me can't figure out if it's a Mod issue, which I doubt or an issue with the base game itself, which I believe IS the issue. I've only seen this issue pop up a few threads around the net so I'd imagine it's not a common issue.


If you have ghost supply lines Here's a Link for a Fix.



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IMHO it's a bug with the base game, that (at least partly) got fixed. I had this happen some times after Fallout 4 was released. It doesn't seem to happen in savegames I started during the last few months, but in an old savegame from the beginnings of Fallout 4 the bug is still present...

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