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Can't transfer NPCs from one machine to another.


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So, I have created a couple of followers for my own use, and they work great on my desktop machine, Windows 7 32 bit platform. I also have a laptop, Windows 10 64 bit system with the same game, but the mods are not recognized in the game. It's the same LE game as the desktop machine has. I have made sure to place all the files in their proper locations, and checked all he ini files. Everything is exactly the same in both games.


In case you are wondering, both games are registered and verified with Steam, so no illegal stuff going on here.


Anyhow, all my other mods work fine. Just these two followers for some reason are not recognized by the game. Anybody got any ideas about this?


I also have installed: CBBE and UNP bodies with HTP physics. They are just simple followers created from vanilla skins in CK. Everything was imported/exported correctly as far as I know.

Edited by varkonasnorse
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