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SuperB ENB-RL Lighting Issue


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I just recently downloaded SuperB ENB-RL and have been experiencing a few issues with lighting. During the height of the day, the nrightness of the sun tends to wash the collor out of everything it touches, resulting in white surfaces. It seems I would need to turn down some sort of setting that decreases the intensity, in which the sunlight is reflected off the environment. Night is working very well, with the exception of the intense brightness of the lanterns and torches lining the roads. Basically, I'm lookin for some troubleshooting ideas on how to play with the lighting in SuperB ENB-RL. I am currently using Sung's settings and have already tried removing my sunglare mod and reducing suncoronaintensity. Sadly, none of these resolved my issue :/ I do run an AMD 6900 series GPU and have heard the ENB favors NVIDIA. I have, however, seen the Sung also runs an AMD GPU and his results are astonishing. Need Help!!! Much Appreciated.
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Yes, however, am I supposed to make changes to the skyrimprefs that is located in My Games or the one thats located in my common/Skyrim/ folder? or both?




I just replaced both sets of skyrimprefs and skyrim ini's and it may have helped a little but not really. It looks as if the sun is washing the color out of everything and reflecting as white as can be.

Edited by live2swimtm
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Only change the one in your My Games folder.


Since I'm not using that one (obviously :tongue: ) I'm really not sure what settings he uses so you might want to ask in the comments or send a pm asking about it.

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