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Possible Enchanting Bug


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I am trying to enchant my Deadric Sword with Fire damage and Shock Damage. I have 100 Enchanting/Smithing. I have all 5 ranks of the % bonus in the Enchanting tree, and I also have the Fire, Shock, and Frost Enchantment % boosts as well.




When I go to enchant my sword, I select Fire damage and then Shock damage. However, the damage is only 31 from each. I tried using a 25% Fortify Enchanting Potion first, but that only brought the damage of the Enchantments (Fire & Shock) up to 35 each. That makes no sense. I am using a Grand Soul Gem filled with Grand Soul.


How can I get the Fire/Shock Damage up to 50+ each?

Edited by ekn5017
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That is strange, I have all the possible perks and, with a 32% fortify enchanting potion, can get fire/frost/shock enchantments to 81 each. Just a shot in the dark, but maybe try disenchanting a more powerful artifact? I know that's not supposed to even be possible, but in my last game I did it to 2 resist magic artifacts and got a weaker and stronger enchantment available in my enchantment list. Otherwise, I dunno.


@Rooker75 - has that been verified? i.e. that a weapon enchanted while having the augmented destruction perks loses the extra oomph when a companion uses it? I know that my companion gets the benefit of the shock/frost enchanted bow I gave her because I can see the effect when she shoots an enemy, but I have no idea how to measure the extent of the benefit and whether she's getting the full 81 points mentioned above. I haven't been able to find anything on wiki or anywhere else about that.

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