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Beautiful Skyrim _ Unique Cities, Landscapes, Forts, Castles


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I am a big fan of the ES series and also of the mods that come along with it. One of the most important goals for me when I look for mods is to make the world more immersive. What my complained about Skyrim is compared to Oblivion is that the world feels kind of dull, empty and grey compared to Oblivion. Oblivion felt magical and fairy tale alike, while Skyrim feels kind of monotone. I miss beautiful forests and stuff like that. I know that Oblivion also was monotone but mods like Unique Landscapes made Oblivion so beautiful. I was wondering if there is any project going on like Unique Landscapes for Skyrim.


Also I loved the better cities mod, and I was also wondering if there is any project going on like this for Skyrim. I have seen a better Whiterun and it is great, however I was hoping for mods like this for all cities and make them feel more like cities instead of big empty villages.


I was also hoping for one other sort mod. I dont know if anyone of you played Nehrim, but this was a complete overhaul for Oblivion.




It was phenomenal, because no single village felt monotone, but they all had so much detail. And what Nehrim also had, were castles. But not to be player owned, or not with complete cities around them, but little castles with some peasants who would work on the land of the lord (Stonefield if anyone played Nehrim, http://nehrim.wikia.com/wiki/Castle_of_Stonefield). I would love to see little settlements with a castle to be owned by a lord or duke, or toll gates with castles etc. Not hugh empty castles, but small cosy castles with detail. Some examples from castle mods from oblivion are Castle Almgard (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/14834), Castle Seaview, pretty much any castle made by Centurion.



One last mod by the way (sorry I am so excited): have you noticed how all the forts in the game are ruins? I wish there was a mod like Unique Forts in Oblivion which replaces some ruins with fully active outposts of Stormcloacks or Imperials.


I hope anyone find this ideas to be good like me and would like to work on one of these ideas.

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that is a beautiful showcase video I must say!


I guess the only way to expand on the world of Skyrim atm is using ten million different mods and hope you dont keep ctd'ing :(


I hope something like that gets released!

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