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Low-Res Snowy Stone/Brick Textures (w/ Pictures)


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While installing retextures, I noticed a stubborn group of textures that are very low-res, mostly in Windhelm (although I've found them throughout the game).

They are mostly dark stone with snow on them, as well as the exterior of Candlehearth Hall. There are also some roof and wood textures like this as well (all covered with snow). Here are some examples:


Next to a proper retexture 1


Next to a proper retexture 2


Candlehearth Hall


Crap roofs


I was using NobleSkyrim 2K (the SSE version) as a base, and tried installing other Windhelm-specific replacers (including Osmodius Windhelm), but nothing changed. I even went so far as to install the whole Skyrim Realistic Overhaul package, but these textures were always the same. Now, granted, these retexture projects may not cover these particular textures. The only other mod that might be involved is SMIM. However...


Has anyone else encountered this? Is this normal? Are there any texture packs that replace these?


Thanks for your help?

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This is definitely a snow shader problem, maybe in combination with bad tiling and/or uv mapping (low res textures "stretched out"). SInce these shaders are applied above the actual textures, changing texture replacers won't solve the problem.


You can try "Better Dynamic Snow":



From my experience, it's not perfect - but it makes snow shaders a whole lot better. ^^


BTW, since you're tinkering with Windhelm anyway, you might want to try these new textures by luxor:


IMHO the best Windhelm texture overhaul out there. ^^

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Thank for replying, and shedding some light on this. That makes more sense now: if it's being applied on top of the textures, it doesn't matter what I do. Now that I've noticed it, I've been seeing the exact same issue in the same places in screenshots and videos all over the place. (Even in, like, Hodilton and Ultimate Immersion's videos: if it still plagues them, I suppose I'll just have to live with it!)


I'm still getting used to the dynamic snow shader in SSE: most ENB authors advise turning it off (which I did), so I might have to tinker with it a bit to find a balance.


And thanks for the links. I was using a few of luxor's textures in FO4, so I'll have to try out their SSE stuff too. (Side note: the weird shader effect is even in some of the pictures on the page for luxor's Windhelm!)


Thank again!

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