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Deleting Reoccuring Save Files From Steam Cloud?


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Hi, normally when I have saves and I delete them, they stay deleted (with cloud sync on).

However, there was a mod that royally messed up a bunch of stuff so I took it out the special way they told me to and made a new save (this was the "Better Horses" workshop mod).

The new save is fine and unaffected. However, the two saves that I deleted that had this mod in them (106 and 107) pop right back up when I delete them via the game menu.

I even tried going into the saves folder for Skyrim, I watched them actually reappear.


Now I found a thread that allows you to cause a sync error and thus able to delete these files but I got lost on step 2 (deleting the files to cause an error).



Within my id folder I have three folders: 7, 760, and 72850. 7 has a cache called "remotecache.vdf" and a "remote" folder that contains "sharedconfig.vdf". 760 appears to be caches for my screenshots from my game--also had "screenshots" folder so I don't think I need to fix anything there.

72850 has only "remotecache.vdf" and I believe this is the actual Skyrim id as that's what pops up when searching for Skyrim on the Steam website.

The problem is that I don't seem to have a program that can edit/corrupt like they say and deleting it just makes them refresh.

Also, my game works by clicking on Steam, going to the Library tab and clicking the play button which brings up a separate screen with play, options, data files, etc.

Which of the two is supposed to show the "sync" error eventually, just trying to open Skyrim, or hitting play on the 2nd window?


So my question is this: 1.) Am I trying to delete things out of 7 and 72850 or only 7? 2.) How do I edit these two saves as there is no option for me to edit .vdf files on my computer. 3.) As long as I deleted the saves in the game menu but not the saves I wanted to keep when I do this process they should be okay right?

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