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Well here it is , many times ive tried to start modding things myself but do not have the time nor patience for it

My task for you , is to create these (below) items for use in oblivion


The priority is a Civil War Mod > Having clothes from Union and confederate armies , swords , musket everything< Thanks



1. Dragon Platelegs from Runescape mmobbrpg

2.Dragon chainbody or Dhraroks Platebody from runescape mmobbrpg

3.Dragon longsword or Dragon 2h sword from runescape

4. Guthans Helm from runescape mmobbrpg


5. Darth Vader Armor from starwars


If anybody thinks that they are up to tackeling this task , let me know ([email protected]) or pm me on here


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5. there is a star wars mod being made it has a lot of star wars in it its still being made and could be a while before it oculd be released


ooh i forgot to email Chris 07 the Republic Warship Pictures


Carth Onasi

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